QuickTEST - New functions for positive test results

QuickTEST - New functions for positive test results

If a Corona rapid test is positive at the test center, it must in any case be verified by a PCR test in the laboratory. In addition, the test center is obliged to report the positive test result to the relevant health authority. QuickTEST supports testing facilities in fulfilling this obligation - quickly and easily.

With QuickTEST, a follow-up order for further PCR testing can be created for each positive rapid test result and sent to the laboratory. The sample required for this is already stored in the system, certified by the KV and can be printed directly. This means that pharmacies and other institutions can also order PCR tests.

QuickTEST can also be used to conveniently process the obligatory report to the public health department. If a positive test result is recorded, the program automatically generates a notification form and stores all the necessary data. The responsible health office is also automatically determined and stored. As soon as the positive result is saved, the report form is printed. All positive cases can also be exported with a single click and sent to the health authority as a list.

If you want to know more about the features of QuickTEST, just contact us.




Picture credits: © Bucher Group
VIP support from 6:00-22:00

VIP support from 6:00-22:00

Technical malfunctions happen and unfortunately do not take into account after-work hours or weekends. For such emergencies, we offer you the possibility to make use of our VIP support. They will take care of your request daily from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - even on Sundays and public holidays.

As a VIP customer, you benefit from better accessibility of the support team, this also applies during our office hours. In addition, your support tickets will be prioritized. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can report your concern either by phone or by emergency service desk ticket. When reporting via our emergency phone, the support response time is a maximum of 15 minutes.

For more information, please refer to the Service Level Agreement below. If you would like to use VIP support, please feel free to contact us.




Picture credits: © Bucher Group
New LabMessenger version for Mac OS

New LabMessenger version for Mac OS

New LabMessenger versions for macOS are now available in BS Connect. To stay up to date, simply download the respective version.

As macOS Big Sur user please use the QC_LabMessengerMacOS_64.zip. For all other macOS versions download the QC_LabMessengerMacOS_64_HighSierra.zip.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group

QuickTEST - Implement mass testing with Corona quick tests easily and quickly

QuickTEST - Implement mass testing with Corona quick tests easily and quickly

Rapid antigen tests for SARS-Cov2 viruses are a good way to detect infections directly - and not only in the private sector. The use of rapid tests is also becoming increasingly important for companies, nursing homes, schools or testing stations. To be able to perform rapid tests efficiently for such mass testing, we have developed QuickTEST.

With QuickTEST, order data can be entered individually or imported collectively for mass testing. All that is required is a list of the persons to be tested and their cell phone numbers. This is already stored in the system as a template and can be filled out in advance by companies, e.g. by the HR department.

For clear assignment, the rapid tests are provided with a barcode label before they are performed. Once the result is available, it can be assigned to the respective person with just a few clicks. This is even faster with the barcode control: the barcode affixed to the rapid test is scanned to open the corresponding order. Depending on the result, a barcode for "positive" or "negative" is then scanned. After a short confirmation, the result is finally sent to the respective person via SMS. In this way, the findings can be processed in a few seconds without having to operate the keyboard or mouse even once in between.

The person tested conveniently receives their test result directly via SMS on their smartphone. This also ensures that no one has to wait on site and that there are no crowds.

QuickTEST can be used as a stand-alone solution for test stations or similar. For QuickCON users there is also the possibility to integrate QuickTEST into LabMessenger and make it available to submitters. You can find more information here or simply contact us. We would be happy to show you in a short presentation how easy mass testing with Corona rapid tests can be implemented thanks to QuickTEST.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickCON: Digital signature now integrated in LabMessenger

QuickCON: Digital signature now integrated in LabMessenger

With the Digital Signature module, bills requiring a signature can be signed digitally in the doctor's office - paperless and fast. The module is now available in LabMessenger.

What can the Digital Signature module do?

At the sender's site, a digital certificate is generated from the patient data and the laboratory request, which can also be viewed in a preview. For the signature, communication is established with the eHBA using a card reader and the certificate is given the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Batch signing of all bills is also possible - saving a lot of time. It is clearly visible which documents still need to be signed. In the laboratory, the signed slips are exported directly to the LIS. The module can be used under both Windows and macOS.

Thanks to the Digital Signature, there is no need to print bills anymore and the signature is done in no time.


What is new?
From now on, the module is integrated directly in LabMessenger. This simplifies installation and operation as well as support. In addition, the direct integration means that there is no need to use third-party components on the client side - which increases the speed of the tool. All order data is now stored directly on the QC server, so that only the electronic signature needs to be transferred from the sender to the QC server. This reduces data traffic and makes the transfer significantly faster.

You would like to learn more about it? Then simply contact us. We would be happy to present the module to you in a personal meeting.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Dual leadership for BS software development

Dual leadership for BS software development

Our management is getting reinforcement: From 01.01.2021 Jürgen Bucher will share the management of the company together with Jens Böttinger. As head of development for many years, Jens was significantly involved in the creation of all software solutions and knows the company like no other.

"Jens has been with us since 2009 and since then has been significantly involved in the establishment and development of our products and components. Therefore, it was only logical that he would take over this task at some point and I am very happy about the support," says Jürgen Bucher about the new top management.

While Jürgen will devote himself even more to commercial activities in the future, Jens will be primarily responsible for the development area. With so much concentrated experience and know-how, we definitely couldn't ask for a better management team.

Jens is looking forward to his new office with a lot of motivation and anticipation: "I am looking forward to the future task and would like to thank Jürgen for the trust he has placed in me." We congratulate Jens on his new task and wish him every success. In any case, the future of BS software development is secured.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

2020 - A look back at an eventful year

2020 - A look back at an eventful year

The year 2020 will remain a lasting memory for all of us. The Corona pandemic threw a lot of things into disarray and pushed most other issues into the background. It was no different for us - priorities were reset, training days were postponed, trade shows were cancelled and meetings were held from the home office. Despite all the circumstances, we accomplished a lot this year and learned a lot about ourselves in the process. 

Through our industry, we are very close to the corona action. We know first-hand the work that medical practices and laboratories are doing on a daily basis right now and the challenges they are facing. Accordingly, many of the projects we completed this year were related to the corona virus in some way. This included connecting labs to the Corona Warn app as well as adapting our order entry to mass testing at Corona test stations, airports, companies, etc. We often had to respond to ever-changing requirements in order to implement the appropriate solution quickly and reliably.

With a lot of commitment, the odd night shift and special working conditions in the home office, our team mastered the daily challenges and did a great job. In this way, we were also able to make a contribution in the fight against the pandemic.

Many companies and their employees are currently struggling with the economic consequences of the pandemic. We are aware that we work in an industry that is less affected by this and we do not take it for granted. Every Christmas, we donate an amount to humanitarian organizations to give something back to those in a less privileged situation. This year, such support is perhaps more important than ever. 10,000 euros will therefore go to various regional and national organizations. Among them are "Aktion 100 000 und Ulmer helft" and "Ulms kleine Spatzen e.V.", which we would like to support with 3,000 euros each. The remaining 4,000 euros will be divided between the "Sterntaler für Afrika e.V." association , the "Straßenkinderhilfe e.V." and the "Plan-for-the-planet Foundation". We are convinced that every contribution makes a difference and can help - especially in this crisis.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and partners for the trust they have placed in us over the past year. We are looking forward to further cooperation and look forward to the new year with confidence. Until then, we wish you peaceful and relaxing holidays.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Successful Covid mass testing for companies with QuickCON Order Entry.

Successful Covid mass testing for companies with QuickCON Order Entry.

To break corona infection chains within the workforce, many companies have responded by offering their employees the opportunity for free on-site testing. Such mass testing can be a challenge for the laboratory, especially for larger companies. For this very reason, we have added the module "Series Testing" to QuickCON Order Entry. This is already being used successfully by several laboratories, including the MVZ for Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Koblenz-Mittelrhein.

"We repeatedly receive requests from large companies that want to have their employees tested. However, corporate testing requires a different procedure than testing stations visited by individual patients. With QuickCON Order Entry, we can implement such projects optimally," says Christian Schaab, IT manager at Labor Koblenz.

The big advantage is the list function of the Order Entry. Thanks to this, COVID 19 orders can be read in collectively. All that is needed is a list of all employees to be tested, which is provided by the company. An individual QR code is then generated for each employee from the data entered. When it's the person's turn, the QR code is scanned by the laboratory staff on site and assigned to the smear. All orders can thus be entered directly with just a few clicks. The labels are printed automatically.

In this way, testing can be carried out on a larger scale in a short time. This gives all those involved a measure of security and can ultimately have a positive effect on the further course of infection.

We are pleased that we can support our customers, such as the Koblenz laboratory, a little bit in their so important work.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickLIS Zyto - the information system for cytology

QuickLIS Zyto - the information system for cytology

The time is coming soon. With QuickLIS Zyto, our latest development, which was developed specifically for cytology, will be released at the beginning of 2021. QuickLIS Zyto covers the entire examination spectrum of gynecological cytology. This includes cytological findings, HPV findings, IHC findings and other examinations.

The individual functions enable simple and clear management of cytology findings. All work steps can be carried out with just a few clicks - from digital order entry and reporting to the billing of panel doctors and private invoices and quality management. Open questions are quickly clarified with the chat function.

QuickLIS Zyto offers numerous user-specific setting options. For example, you can create your own lists or perform statistical queries according to specific criteria. Access and modification rights can also be configured individually. In addition, almost any laboratory device can be connected to the system.

Thanks to its intuitive user guidance and clear, concise design, QuickLIS Zyto is child's play to operate, ensuring a stress-free and smooth workflow in the laboratory.

You want to know more? Then simply contact us. We would be happy to present our new development to you in person.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Quickly and securely recorded - COVID Order Entry for test stations

Quickly and securely recorded - COVID Order Entry for test stations

Whether it's corona testing stations at airports or train stations, fever outpatient clinics, testing in companies or community facilities. With COVID Order Entry, all orders are entered quickly and easily on site. All orders can also be entered collectively for patient lists. The Forms 10C and Sample OEGD required here for entrants from high-risk countries can be requested directly with COVID Order Entry.

For patients with health insurance, the master data is simply read in via the electronic health card. For travelers from high-risk countries, there is the option of entering their data via a website before the test is performed. This can be made available in several languages. A QR code is then generated from the master data entered. When it is the turn of the person concerned, the QR code is scanned by the staff on site so that all the data is read in automatically.

All orders can be exported as Excel files with all relevant data. The required forms, labels and, if applicable, IGEL contracts are automatically created and printed. In addition, a DIN A4 form with the patient data, the respective QR code and a declaration for the employer can be printed for each person tested.

Our software solution is already used by several test stations. If you are also interested, simply contact us. We would be happy to present COVID Order Entry to you personally.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Training days 2020 - a lot of input by far

Training days 2020 - a lot of input by far

Postponed is not canceled - that applies to many events this year. It was the same for us when planning this year's training days. We were all the more pleased to finally be able to hold them in October, albeit with distance and masks. For the first time, we were able to welcome the participants in our own premises and present the latest developments and enhancements of our software solutions to them here.

In a hands-on workshop, the participants had the opportunity to get to know our latest modules and functions. Among other things, the focus was on our new Order Entry including extensions as well as the digital signature and the knowledge module. In an outlook, our guests got a small foretaste of future developments and projects.

Even though the evening event had to be cancelled this year due to Corona, a nice dinner and pleasant conversations provided an adequate alternative.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our guests once again. We are pleased with the consistently positive response we received despite the unusual circumstances and look forward to the next training days again with excitement.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Available now: QuickCON OrderEntry

Available now: QuickCON OrderEntry

No matter what area of laboratory medicine is involved, with our new QuickCON OrderEntry every digital laboratory request is completed with just a few clicks. The intuitive system is characterized by its high speed and minimal loading times, while offering its users maximum flexibility and individuality.

If a new order is created on the sender side, all patient data and diagnoses are automatically transferred from the physician information system and can be supplemented with additional information. Intelligent selection options facilitate the choice of analytes to be examined. In addition, senders can create their own profiles and request cards, which significantly simplifies regularly recurring examinations in particular. In the shopping cart, all analyses to be requested are categorized according to billing and clearly displayed.

As soon as an order is sent, the laboratory number is entered and an index card entry is created. The required labels are automatically printed in the correct quantity and all relevant slips are created.

The laboratory has the option of defining requirement maps and profiles individually. A wide range of options are available for maximum flexibility. In addition, individual sets of rules can be defined, eliminating possible sources of error from the outset, for example if the number of examinations of certain analytes is limited by the health insurance company.

In addition, forms and labels can be designed and configured as desired - without any programming knowledge.

Our latest development has been natively developed for Windows and Mac OS and can be connected to almost any physician information system.

You want to learn more? We would be happy to show you the QuickCON OrderEntry in a personal presentation.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
The wait was worth it: The little clown in Neu-Ulm

The wait was worth it: The little clown in Neu-Ulm

Take two clowns and let them bring one of the most widely read books in the world to the stage - and there you have it, a recipe for success that will captivate audiences of all ages. With "The Little Clown", the two clown performers Katrin Jantz and Hanna Münch from Ulm have succeeded in lovingly adapting the philosophical fairy tale "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The result is a poetic and mischievous play that takes its audience on a journey into another world and makes a plea for humanity.

The students and teachers of the Ludwigsfeld/Neu-Ulm elementary school recently had the opportunity to accompany the curious little clown on his journey to find a friend together with him. In a total of three performances, the two actresses took the children into a magical world and brought the most diverse adventures to life with a great deal of emotion and wit. Thanks to the lovingly designed stage set and the elaborate costumes, diving into this fantasy world was literally child's play, so that all spectators, whether young or old, were able to gather many beautiful impressions at the end and thus enjoyed a wonderful little break from everyday school life.

The play, which we produced in the course of our Advent fundraising campaign was supposed to be performed in December, but had to be postponed due to the pandemic. We think the wait for the little clown was more than worth it.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

New function in Order Entry: Interactive PDF forms for additional information

New function in Order Entry: Interactive PDF forms for additional information

Certain examinations often require additional information for the laboratory request, which must be filled out manually in the doctor's office and usually also supplemented with the patient data.

To facilitate this process, it is now possible in Order Entry to add interactive PDF forms to the individual examinations. If a new order is created in the doctor's office and the corresponding examination is selected, the PDF form linked to it opens automatically. This can then be filled out digitally, printed or filed directly. The patient data is already stored automatically and no longer needs to be added manually.

You can define yourself in the laboratory for which examinations the interactive PDF forms are to be stored and when these are to be considered mandatory fields. This function can be easily linked to your existing set of rules.

The new Order Entry function simplifies the lab request for your senders and ensures error-free processes in the lab.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

Only a few days remain until this year's VDCA Annual Meeting: From May 6 to 8, 2022, cytology professionals will once again meet in Leipzig to further their education, exchange ideas and gather valuable impulses for their daily work. We are very pleased to be present for the first time as an exhibitor and to be able to present our laboratory information system QuickLIS to the attendees.

QuickLIS is the first laboratory information system that fully digitizes all cytology workflows and also facilitates communication with senders. It can be customized, operated intuitively and saves an enormous amount of time in the stressful daily laboratory routine - for an optimal workflow in cytology.

Visit us at our booth in Leipzig and let us convince you of QuickLIS. And if you can't be there in Leipzig, simply make an appointment for a non-binding online presentation. We are looking forward to meeting you.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

DMEA 2022 - we were there

DMEA 2022 - we were there

Last week, the time had finally come again: For the first time since the start of the pandemic, the DMEA, Europe's leading event for the digitization of healthcare, opened its doors again. So there was no question that we couldn't miss this industry event.

With our booth, we were right in the middle of the trade show action and thus enjoyed many exciting topics and discussions. We were particularly pleased with the positive feedback on our products and innovations - especially on QuickLIS, our laboratory information system for cytology. Thus, we had many pleasant impressions and valuable input in our luggage on our way home.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

From April 26 to 28, the time has come: For the first time in three years, DMEA will open its doors - and finally live again. "Life is live" is also the motto under which Europe's leading event for the digitization of healthcare will once again attract numerous visitors to Berlin. Everything will revolve around the question of what moves the health IT of today and tomorrow.

We are very pleased to finally be back as an exhibitor and to show live how we contribute to the medical industry with our software solutions every day. We have some innovations around our software solution QuickCON in our luggage. We will also present QuickLIS, our laboratory information system for cytology, to a wider audience. Let us surprise you and visit us at our booth, Hall: 1.2 Booth: B-105.

You would like to make a personal appointment with us? Then simply contact us. We will also be happy to provide you with visitor tickets on request. We look forward to seeing you.

Berlin, here we come!



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

PoC NAT tests could be a positive addition to the current testing strategy and a significant relief for laboratories. They are similarly reliable as PCR tests and provide a result after only a few minutes. Some test centers and pharmacies already offer this technology.

In order to be able to connect the PoC-NAT devices required for this, we have further developed QuickTEST accordingly. QuickTEST enables both the generation and transmission of reports to the tested person and the automatic printing of reports to the public health department.

In the future, it will be possible to connect further laboratory equipment in the in-house laboratory, for example for the analysis of hormone status. If you are interested, simply contact us. We will be happy to advise you.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Information security - we are certified!

Information security - we are certified!

The topic of information security is of enormous importance, especially in the healthcare sector. As a software-developing company in this industry, we have a particularly great responsibility. We are aware of this and take this responsibility very seriously.

In recent months, we have therefore worked intensively to give the protection of sensitive information a solid foundation and to build up our information security management system (ISMS for short). The ISMS defines rules and methods to ensure information security in the company and is thus an important building block for our business success.

The audit for ISO/IEC 27001 finally took place shortly before Christmas. We are pleased about the successful certification and take this as an incentive to continue to actively live and continuously develop the ISMS in the company. After all, incidents such as the recently disclosed Log4J security vulnerability make us all aware of how important it is to stay on the ball when it comes to information security.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Annual review 2021

Annual review 2021

At this point, there could be a similar text as last year. Our lives are still marked by Corona with all its consequences and challenges - both in our private and professional lives. But there have also been bright spots that are worth looking back on, perhaps especially now.

In the fight against the pandemic, we as a company did what we do best: react quickly to new circumstances, create solutions and apply our know-how where it is needed. This is how we developed our QuickTEST rapid testing software, equipping over 500 test centers across Germany. Millions of test results could thus be transmitted digitally and sent securely to the persons concerned . With great dedication, our team has mastered many a challenge and also implemented special customer requirements.

We have not been idle away from Corona either. Our Order Entry has been in use at many of our customers since this year and ensures fully digitalized processes. We are also pleased to announce the launch of our cytology software QuickLIS, which facilitates all work steps in the cytology laboratory - from order entry to quality management. In addition, there are several web-based developments and innovations that should make our customers' daily work a little easier in these stressful times.

And as in previous years, our team has grown a bit again. Thus, since this year six new employees enrich our company and do a great job here.

We know that we work in an industry that has its hands full, especially now, and is therefore doing well economically. And because we have never taken this for granted, our donation this year is a little larger than before. With our Advent campaign, we have donated €100,000.00 to organizations from various sectors and we are very pleased to be able to give away some of our success in this way.

We look to the coming year with hope and are excited to see what it will bring. Because even if the pandemic will accompany us for a longer time, it is always worthwhile to remain optimistic and continue to give your best.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
4th Advent: 40.000,00 € for medicine

4th Advent: 40.000,00 € for medicine

Our work is closely linked to medicine. We are committed to advancing processes in the healthcare sector and always develop our software solutions with a view to the requirements needed here. Therefore, we also know what this industry moves and achieves on a daily basis. To pay special tribute to this, we are opening an Advent door for the medical sector. A total of € 40,000.00 will go to Ulm University Hospital, which does great work for the region and beyond.

Of this donation, € 20,000.00 will go to the Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicinewhich provides the youngest patients in our region with comprehensive and high-quality care, including in specialized areas, . In order to achieve the best possible results in treatment, the latest diagnostic and therapeutic concepts are always applied. To this end, the more than 400 employees work around the clock.

But the topic of research is also of enormous importance in understanding the mechanisms of diseases and further improving their treatment. We are therefore pleased that our donation will benefit the leukemia and tumor research groups. Here, among other things, approaches are being sought to overcome therapy resistance in leukemias, neuroblastomas and brain tumors. The research results obtained so far have already contributed to the development of new drugs in cancer therapy and are being incorporated into an international study group on the treatment of childhood leukemia. We are pleased to be able to make a small contribution with our donation to the Children's Hospital's so important research in the fight against cancer. The medical director of the Children's Hospital, Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-Michael Debatin, the head of the leukemia research group, apl. Prof. Dr. med. Lüder H. Meyer, and the two doctoral students Amina Hadzalic and Hannah Strobel were present at the symbolic check presentation.

A further € 20,000.00 will go to the KlinikSchulVerein Ulm e.V. of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy. The clinic does valuable work to understand, educate and treat children and adolescents with mental illnesses and their families in the best possible way. Since the pandemic began, however, clinical care has faced particular challenges. Not least because children and adolescents with mental illness and their families have been most burdened by lockdowns and school closures.

Children of school age who are in long-term inpatient or day-care treatment at the Ulm University Hospital usually attend the Hans Lebrecht School. The Hans Lebrecht School ensures that the young patients can continue to experience a normal school day despite their treatment and thus do not lose their connection to school. In 2002, the KlinikSchulVerein Ulm e.V. (Ulm Clinic School Association) was founded to support the students with learning materials as well as with basic necessities such as clothing, trips home and the like. The help provided here goes beyond compulsory care and is intended to be as uncomplicated as possible. Here, too, social inequalities have become even more apparent since the beginning of the pandemic. In a second area of activity of the association, local artists carry out art projects together with the patients, which provide the children with special experiences and many great memories. Here, too, we are convinced that we can give something back in this way. The medical director of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert, and the director of the Hans Lebrecht School, Ms. Dorothee Blaumer-Hänle, welcomed us to the rooms of the clinic school for the symbolic check presentation on Tuesday.

3rd Advent: 20.000,00 € for the environment

3rd Advent: 20.000,00 € for the environment

Sustainability, environmental and climate protection are not a private matter. As a company, we also bear responsibility and are working to advance these issues. We believe that sustainable corporate management always pays off in the end and that everyone benefits from it. With this in mind, we are opening an Advent door in our fundraising campaign for organizations that are involved in sustainability, environmental protection and nature conservation on a daily basis.

10,000.00 will go to the Ulmer Initiativkreis nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung e. V. (unw), which has set itself the task of strengthening ecological awareness in the region's business enterprises and among the population. In doing so, unw acts as an active mediator between business, science and society with the aim of working together, for each other and for a better environment. In addition to education, knowledge transfer and project management, the activities also focus on the promotion of educational measures in order to provide the knowledge for ecologically sensible actions and sustainable measures. The unw's concrete measures include the "Climate Trainees" project, which was launched in October and aims to raise awareness among young people starting their careers of the need for sustainable development and to support concrete commitment in their professional and private lives. In addition, unw organizes a variety of other projects as well as regular lectures and discussion rounds. For the symbolic handover of the check, we had the pleasure of welcoming the 2nd Chairman and Managing Director of unw, Kai Weinmüller, to our premises.

A further € 5,000.00 will go to the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz - BUND e.V. Donau-Iller Regional Association and the Ulm District Association (BUND). With the vision of a sustainable country in a sustainable and peaceful world, the BUND is committed to active environmental protection with various projects. These include, for example, the "Hermannsgarten" at Ulm's Kuhberg - a meadow orchard where old native varieties are specifically planted and cared for. Many children from Ulm visit the garden every year and, in addition to tasty apples, also gain valuable knowledge about nature. In addition, there are numerous other projects worth supporting around the topics of nature conservation and biodiversity, urban development, environmental development and more. For the symbolic check handover on Tuesday, the regional manager of BUND Jana Slave welcomed us to the Ulm office.

We also donate € 5,000.00 to the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany Group Ulm/Neu-Ulm (NABU)which has been working for nature conservation in and around Ulm for many years. NABU's tasks include providing nesting aids for native bird species and caring for injured or orphaned found birds. In addition, tours, excursions and family afternoons are offered, which are open to all interested parties. Another, larger project is the nature reserve "Arnegger Ried" in the Blautal. The fen is a lowland moor that is home to many rare and endangered species. Part of the area is grazed by cattle in the warmer months, helping to restore the lowland moor character of the area. With this project, NABU shows that nature conservation and agriculture do not have to be opposites. At the symbolic handover of the check, a few of our employees were already allowed to take a first look at the Arnegger Ried. Also present were the volunteers of the local NABU Michael Rau, Julia Obenauer and Diana May.

All three organizations make a valuable contribution to our environment. We are convinced and grateful to make a small contribution with our donation.