
11.08.2022 | Company

One office management assistant, two application developers, three system integrators and two university graduates - this year's graduating class brought us no less than eight freshly graduated specialists, and we wouldn't want to give any of them up again.

Our trainees Esra, Philipp H., Simon, Philipp S., Jan and Ronald have been enriching our team since 2019 and 2020. All trainees have been right in the thick of things right from the start, so they were able to take on responsibility early on and put their knowledge to the test in their first projects of their own. The same applies to Florian and Johannes, who successfully completed their studies in computer science and data science in medicine this year. Both came to us as internship students and wrote their bachelor theses here.

With their concentrated expertise, the now fully trained employees enrich our team. In addition, they are, above all, valuable colleagues whom we would not want to miss in our team. We are all the more pleased that each and every one of them will stay with us to continue actively shaping the future of our company.

At this point, congratulations to all graduates. After the long time of preparation, cramming and writing, you can be justifiably proud of yourselves. We certainly are.

We are also keeping our fingers crossed for our two dual students Kai and Caspar, who are currently in the final stages of their bachelor thesis.

By the way: We are looking for new talent again. So if you are interested in IT in the medical industry and one or the other adventure with our team: there are still training positions available for this year.

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