The laboratory information system for gynecological cytology facilitates all work steps from order entry to quality management.

You already have a laboratory system in use, but are missing functionalities such as digital order entry or findings transmission?

The communication modules of QuickLIS can also be connected individually to laboratory systems of other manufacturers!



Transmission of findings*


KV documentation*

Quality management



* The modules marked with an asterisk can also be connected individually to laboratory systems from other manufacturers.

QuickLIS OPTIMIZES CYtologIc Sequences

The functions


Order entry is done digitally using Order Entry - all information is already recorded completely digitally in the doctor's office and transmitted to QuickLIS with the highest level of security. This means that all data is automatically correct and complete in the system, even before the preparations have arrived at your premises.

There is no need to enter or check data manually - this simplifies the process and saves an extremely large amount of time. Nevertheless, it is still possible to enter orders manually or by scanner via the connection to OCR text recognition software.

The order overview creates a good overview of all orders and their status. The filter and sorting options help to find individual orders quickly.

The functions


Order entry is done digitally using Order Entry - all information is already recorded completely digitally in the doctor's office and transmitted to QuickLIS with the highest level of security. This means that all data is automatically correct and complete in the system, even before the preparations have arrived at your premises.

There is no need to enter or check data manually - this simplifies the process and saves an extremely large amount of time. Nevertheless, it is still possible to enter orders manually or by scanner via the connection to OCR text recognition software.

The order overview creates a good overview of all orders and their status. The filter and sorting options help to find individual orders quickly.


Wide range of examinations:

- Cytological findings
- HPV findings
- IHC findings
- Colposcopic findings
- CT/NG findings
- Reading of histological findings

Clearly arranged and intuitively operable

- Important order data is permanently visible
- Conspicuous previous findings are highlighted
- Previous findings, permanent diagnoses, certificates and documents can be viewed with one click
- Recommendations can be created automatically or with the help of individual text modules

Device connection

For examinations with measuring devices, such as HPV findings, it is possible to connect the devices in order to import the measured values directly into the findings.

Submit and release findings

As soon as the CTA has completed the diagnosis, the findings are submitted to the laboratory physician - this is done automatically thanks to the intelligent rights-role system. The diagnostic group from which a medical release is required can be defined individually.

Transmission of findings

Real-time transmission of findings

QuickLIS transfers the findings as encrypted LDT files from your laboratory system to the doctors' offices - in real time. There, they can be clearly managed by the practice staff and downloaded again if necessary. All findings are stored on the server in your laboratory and can therefore not be lost. The findings are also read directly into the physician information system at the practice. In the case of critical values, the sender is informed via a push notification.

LDT files meet the highest security standards and offer a much higher level of security than encrypted e-mails or even FTP clients.

Graphical view of findings

Senders have a complete overview of all findings and can filter, sort, mark, and annotate them. In the detailed view, all information on materials and results is broken down individually and displayed clearly. Critical values are highlighted in color.


Regardless of whether the invoices are from panel doctors or private doctors, the billing module makes it easy to manage and process both types of invoices. The individually configurable billing codes stored here simplify the process.

KV settlements

  • KBV-compliant invoicing of statutory health insurance patients
  • Electronic transmission by means of 1-click billing to KV
  • Simplified billing thanks to stored, individually configurable billing codes

Private billing

  • Overview of all open and already printed invoices
  • Collective printing of multiple invoices possible
  • Overview of incoming payments with associated invoice details
  • Dunning system with individually definable dunning levels
  • Listing and printing of all bookings made within a certain period of time thanks to booking journal

KV documentation

Laboratories and senders must submit extensive documentation to the responsible KV as part of cancer screening examinations (oKFE documentation). QuickLIS reduces this effort to just a few mouse clicks by automatically transferring patient master data, findings and preliminary findings to the respective report.

Quality management

  • Preparation of annual statistics for digital transmission to the KV (mandatory for cytology laboratories)
  • Creation of lists and statistics according to a wide range of criteria (e.g. incoming lists, sender statistics, recall lists, statistics/lists on findings, employees, etc.)
  • Internal quality controls such as rescreening


For a quick and uncomplicated exchange with senders or colleagues, QuickLIS has a chat function. Whether you want to clarify an open question or send a file - you avoid unnecessary communication channels and save a lot of time.

The chat module offers a good overview of all active chat histories, provides information via read status and push notifications, and enables groups and task assignments. The transmission is always secure via end-to-end encryption.


Using the document view, you can provide your senders with all types of documents - whether findings, doctor's letters, invoices or circulars. As soon as a file is viewed by the recipient, this is logged. The documents can be viewed, printed, downloaded or saved locally and are also available in PDF format.

Flexible options


A wide range of administration and configuration options are available, so that QuickLIS can be tailored precisely to your individual processes. In addition to the sender management, order services, texts, profiles, standard ranges and much more can be clearly managed and individually adapted.

Right roller system

Intelligent rights and role management ensures access and editing rights at all times, so that tasks can be processed efficiently and potential sources of error can be minimized. These configurations enable automated workflows and an optimal workflow in your daily laboratory routine.

Module diversity

QuickLIS has a modular structure so that the modules can be individually combined with each other. In addition to the standard modules, the following additional modules are available:

  • Store
    Do you supply your senders with laboratory materials such as swabs or labels? These orders
    can be conveniently processed via the store module.

  • Knowledge module
    With the knowledge module, you can provide your senders
    with any kind of information, for example on examinations, preparations or procedures.

    Flexible options


    A wide range of administration and configuration options are available, so that QuickLIS can be tailored precisely to your individual processes. In addition to the sender management, order services, texts, profiles, standard ranges and much more can be clearly managed and individually adapted.

    Right roller system

    Intelligent rights and role management ensures access and editing rights at all times, so that tasks can be processed efficiently and potential sources of error can be minimized. These configurations enable automated workflows and an optimal workflow in your daily laboratory routine.

    Module diversity

    QuickLIS ist modular aufgebaut, sodass sich die Module individuell miteinander kombinieren lassen. Zusätzlich kann QuickLIS mit folgenden Modulen ergänzt werden:


    • Store
      Do you supply your senders with laboratory materials such as swabs or labels? These orders
      can be conveniently processed via the store module.
    • Wissensbibliothek
      Mit der Wissensbibliothek können Sie Ihren Einsendern
      jegliche Art von Informationen bereitstellen, etwa zu Untersuchungen, Präparaten oder Abläufen.

    Your advantages

    Digital from A-Z

    QuickLIS Zyto simplifies all workflows in the cytology laboratory - from order entry to quality management.

    More than just an LIS

    The system not only optimizes internal laboratory processes, but also significantly improves sender communication.

    Gain time

    Digital order entry saves an enormous amount of time, as manual entry and manual control are no longer necessary.

    Maximum efficiency

    The software solution minimizes sources of error, saves resources and ensures an optimal workflow.

    Intuitively operable

    We attach great importance to user-friendly design, so that you can easily operate the application.

    Caring support

    We support you with all questions and concerns so that everything runs smoothly in your laboratory.

    Your advantages

    Digital from A-Z

    QuickLIS Zyto simplifies all workflows in the cytology laboratory - from order entry to quality management.

    More than just an LIS

    The system not only optimizes internal laboratory processes, but also significantly improves sender communication.

    Gain time

    Digital order entry saves an enormous amount of time, as manual entry and manual control are no longer necessary.

    Maximum efficiency

    The software solution minimizes sources of error, saves resources and ensures an optimal workflow.

    Intuitively operable

    We attach great importance to user-friendly design, so that you can easily operate the application.

    Caring support

    We support you with all questions and concerns so that everything runs smoothly in your laboratory.

    Questions and answers

    What are the prices?

    QuickLIS is attractive for both small and large facilities and has a compelling price point.

    Can individual modules also be connected to an LIS from another manufacturer?

    Yes, QuickLIS offers modules for sender communication that can be connected to existing laboratory systems. You can find more info here.

    With which LIS, AIS and HIS are the QuickLIS modules compatible?

    QuickLIS is compatible with a wide range of laboratory information systems, hospital information systems and physician information systems. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.

    Which devices can be connected?

    Almost all laboratory instruments can be connected to QuickLIS.

    Does QuickLIS support LDT 3.0?

    Yes. We are certified, have a converter and can provide LDT 3.0 data.

    Is QuickLIS certified?

    Yes, QuickLIS is certified for billing, blank form printing, and laboratory data communication.

    Which operating systems does QuickLIS support?

    QuickLIS is compatible with all Windows operating systems supported by Microsoft and all macOS versions supported by Apple. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.

    QuickLIS Brochure (PDF)

    You can find all information about QuickLIS in our brochure.

    Info sheet QuickLIS Modules (PDF)

    For more information about our QuickLIS modules, please see our info sheet.

    Order Entry Info Sheet (PDF)

    For more information on Order Entry, please see our info sheet.

    Information sheet on the transmission of findings (PDF)

    For more information on the findings transmission module, please refer to our info sheet.

    Info sheet KV documentation (PDF)

    For more information on the KV Documentation module, please refer to our info sheet.

    Möchten Sie mehr über QuickLIS erfahren?

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    In einem 20-minütigen Telefontermin geben wir Ihnen ganz unverbindlich und kostenfrei einen Einblick in QuickLIS. Vereinbaren Sie hierzu einfach einen Termin über unsere Online-Terminbuchung.

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    would you like to send us a message?
    Then simply use our contact form
    - we will get back to you as soon as possible.


    You can also reach us by telephone.
    Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 - 12.00 & Monday to Thursday from 13.00 - 16.00.


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    Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen und senden Ihnen Details zu QuickLIS zu.

    Möchten Sie mehr über QuickLIS erfahren?

    Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen oder stellen Ihnen QuickLIS persönlich vor und beraten Sie in einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch.

    Arrange an appointment

    In einem 20-minütigen Telefontermin geben wir Ihnen ganz unverbindlich und kostenfrei einen Einblick in QuickLIS. Vereinbaren Sie hierzu einfach einen Termin über unsere Online-Terminbuchung.

    Ask a question

    Do you have a specific question or
    would you like to send us a message?
    Then simply use our contact form
    - we will get back to you as soon as possible.


    You can also reach us by telephone.
    Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 - 12.00 & Monday to Thursday from 13.00 - 16.00.


    Melden Sie sich auch gerne per E-Mail bei uns.
    Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen und senden Ihnen Details zu QuickLIS zu.