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Social commitment is a matter close to our hearts and always has been. As part of society, we want to take responsibility and contribute to the positive development in our region.

We firmly believe that success can be shared. For us, it is clear that we want to make a contribution to society - through monetary donations as well as through personal involvement in various projects and campaigns. The organizations and associations that we donate to are generally involved in the areas of the environment, education, medicine and are always anchored in the region.

You want to learn more about our commitment? We regularly publish reports about our donations and other activities here. So check back with us from time to time. It is worth it!

Girls‘ Day 2024: Entdecke die fabelhafte Welt der IT

Girls‘ Day 2024: Entdecke die fabelhafte Welt der IT

Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie deine Lieblings-Apps funktionieren oder wie ein Computer eigentlich aufgebaut ist? Dann ist der Girls' Day am 25. April 2024 bei uns möglicherweise genau das Richtige für dich! Tauche ein in die fabelhafte Welt der IT und entdecke, was sich hinter den digitalen Kulissen verbirgt. Bei uns lernst du die Basics der Softwareentwicklung kennen. Du erfährst, wie Computer und Geräte miteinander kommunizieren und was sie brauchen, um einander auch zuzuhören. Wir...

Kleidertausch – Herbstedition

Kleidertausch – Herbstedition

Der Winter klopft an die Tür, also Sommerklamotten adé und her mit den warmen Pullis. Der perfekte Zeitpunkt, den eigenen Kleiderschrank aufzuräumen und auszusortieren, was nicht mehr getragen wird. Genau für solche abgelegten Modeschätze und in Vergessenheit geratenen Fashionjuwele veranstalten wir im Team regelmäßig unsere Kleidertausch-Partys. Auch auf der Herbstausgabe wurde wieder getauscht und anprobiert was das Zeug hielt. Am Ende waren viele neue Outfitideen geboren und der ein oder...

Ein Logo fürs Geburtshaus

Ein Logo fürs Geburtshaus

Das Thema Gesundheit liegt uns durch unsere Branche schon immer sehr am Herzen. Das spiegelt sich auch in unserem sozial-gesellschaftlichen Engagement wieder. Wir haben wir uns daher dazu entschieden, unsere Arbeitszeit zu spenden – an ein neues Projekt, das bald vielen kleinen Ulmerinnen und Ulmern beim Start ins Leben verhelfen wird. Unsere letzte Jahresspende geht an das Geburtshaus Ulm. Die Geburt des eigenen Kindes ist für werdende Eltern ein ganz besonderer Moment. Viele entscheiden sich...

Kleidertausch – tauschen, freuen, spenden

Kleidertausch – tauschen, freuen, spenden

Laut einer Studie von Greenpeace kauft jede Person in Deutschland rund 60 neue Kleidungsstücke im Jahr. Dabei tragen wir sogar bis zu 40 Prozent unserer Kleidung selten bis nie. Dieser Überkonsum, insbesondere von Fast-Fashion, ist ein echtes Problem fürs Klima, gegen das jede:r Einzelne etwas tun kann. Aus diesem Grund haben wir im Team schon vor einigen Jahren regelmäßige Kleidertausch-Partys ins Leben gerufen, bei den jede:r Mitarbeitende aussortierte Kleidungsstücke mitbringen und sich im...

UX designers of tomorrow?

UX designers of tomorrow?

About 50 students from the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium in Pfuhl were recently able to see for themselves that software development is not "just" programming, but also has a lot to do with design. As part of our long-standing cooperation with the school, our UX designer Max had put together a vivid and practical workshop that was all about the world of app design. During the course, which lasted several hours, the students got their first insights into...

Education, the Second: Donation to the Education Network and the BvSG

Education, the Second: Donation to the Education Network and the BvSG

We have often emphasized the importance we attach to education. That is why we have also divided up our annual donation: The second donation in this area, amounting to €3,000, goes to the Ulm/Neu-Ulm education network This means that the Ulm Stadtjugendring is followed by another organization that puts its expertise entirely at the service of young people in the region. The Ulm/Neu-Ulm education network is a cross-city project. It has set itself the goal of bringing schools and...

With fire for the next generation - Donation to Stadtjugendring Ulm

With fire for the next generation - Donation to Stadtjugendring Ulm

Education makes the difference. It determines participation and a fulfilled life, prospects and opportunities for development. It opens doors and is a basic prerequisite for respectful cooperation. We are convinced that the issue of education for children and young people cannot be given enough space. That is why we are dedicating our second annual donation to this cause. When selecting the organization, we took great care to ensure that as many children in our region as possible would benefit from our donation....

Promote sustainability

Promote sustainability

On the occasion of our fundraising campaign in December, in which we decided together as a team to forego part of our bonus and donate it, we had already announced it: The company itself will donate a larger sum to several regional organizations from different areas over the course of the year in order to reach as many people in the region as possible. We are dedicating this year's first donation to the area of sustainability. A topic that is part...

Fundraising campaign 2021: Long-lasting joy

Fundraising campaign 2021: Long-lasting joy

Even one year after our big Advent campaign, we still receive news about exciting, valuable and heartwarming projects that were made possible by our donations. We are incredibly happy to be able to directly experience these sustainable positive effects. What the Bildungsnetzwerk Ulm/Neu-Ulm set up last year with the donation really excited us: At the beginning of 2022, the team around Monika Schmid had thought about how the money...

Now more than ever! We donate

Now more than ever! We donate

Success is shareable - that has always been true in our company. And so it is a tradition for us to give back a little of our success in the form of an annual donation. The last few years have been economically very positive for our company - an absolute privilege, of which we are very aware. Last year, we expressed the fact that this also results in a social responsibility through our large Advent donation campaign. But that's not all... In this...