UX designers of tomorrow?

28.07.2023 | Commitment

The fact that software development is not "just" programming, but also has a lot to do with design, was recently demonstrated to about 50 students of the Pfuhl Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium.

As part of our long-standing cooperation with the school, our UX designer Max had put together a vivid and practical workshop that was all about the world of app design. During the course, which lasted several hours, the students gained first insights into the design, structure and conception of applications. But the course was not just about theory: After a brief introduction to the Figma software, the participants were able to get creative and make their own first attempts at interactive design.

At the end of the workshop, all students had a better idea of how to design an app and also a deeper understanding of how user interactions can influence the design. And who knows, maybe some of them see their professional future in UX design?

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