
Order Entry
With Order Entry, every digital lab request is done with just a few clicks. Order Entry convinces with unlimited possibilities at maximum speed. The laboratory has the option of defining request cards and profiles individually. A wide range of options are available for maximum flexibility.

Findings are transmitted online in real time, integrated directly into the physician information system and can also be accessed via the mobile app. Senders have a complete overview of all findings and can filter, sort, mark, and annotate them. In the detailed view, all information on analytes and values is broken down individually and displayed graphically with the help of images and diagrams.
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To enable a fast and uncomplicated exchange, QuickCON has a chat function. The chat module provides a good overview of all active chat histories, informs via read status and push notifications and enables groups as well as task assignments. The transmission is always secure via end-to-end encryption.
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Document exchange
All types of documents can be provided via the document view. Individual recipients or entire subject groups can be selected. As soon as a file is viewed by the recipient, this is logged. The documents can be viewed, printed, downloaded or saved locally and are also available in PDF format.

Order processing shipping material
Orders for shipping materials can be conveniently processed via the store. Recurring orders can be handled with one click via order lists. Incoming orders can be processed conveniently and the store administration offers flexible setting options, such as individual customer prices.
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Knowledge Provision
The knowledge module bundles a wide range of information on the service specifications as well as detailed analyte information.
Die neuesten Features

Sie möchten die Effektivität Ihrer Probenlogistik auf das nächste Level bringen? Das Fahrdienst-Modul sorgt für ein optimales Zusammenspiel zwischen Ihrem Labor, dem Kurier und Ihren Einsendern.

Das E-Fax-Modul ist die sichere Alternative zu Faxgeräten oder Online-Fax: Es übermittelt Dateien verschlüsselt an Ihre Einsender. Eine optimale Lösung, um der Mitteilungspflicht bei hochpathologischen Befunden nachzukommen.

Mit dem Praxislabor-Modul bieten Sie Ihren Einsendern die Möglichkeit, eigene Laboranalysen über QuickCON abzubilden. Das Modul ermöglicht getrennte Befunde bei gemischten Aufträgen sowie eine separate Abrechnung.

Über das QuickCON Taskboard haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Einsendern Benachrichtigungen zu verschiedenen offenen Aufgaben zu ihren Laboraufträgen zukommen zu lassen – und das völlig automatisiert.

Mithilfe von KI-Technologie werden die passenden LOINC-Codes für Ihre Untersuchungen ermittelt und zugeordnet. Das automatisierte Mapping macht die Umstellung auf LOINC-Codes für Sie zum Kinderspiel.


Optimal connection
QuickCON improves all areas of sender
communication - from order entry to the store.

Efficient work
The software solution ensures fast processes, minimizes sources of error and saves resources.

Individual settings
Thanks to the many setting options, QuickCON can be adapted to your individual needs.

Flexible modular world
All modules can be flexibly combined with each other. You select exactly the functions you need.

Fast performance
QuickCON convinces with high speeds and minimal loading times.

Secure transmission
QuickCON offers maximum security - whether at the workplace or on the road.

QuickCON can be connected to almost any physician information system, laboratory information system or hospital information system.

Easy installation
QuickCON is installed and ready for use at the sender's site in just a few steps.
Several thousand medical facilities already rely on QuickCON
QuickCON has already proven itself in several thousand laboratories, clinics and doctors' practices throughout Germany and Europe. You too can become part of this success story. If you are not sure whether and how QuickCON can optimize your processes, just contact us. We will be happy to advise you.

Several thousand medical facilities already rely on QuickCON
QuickCON has already proven itself in several thousand laboratories, clinics and doctors' practices throughout Germany and Europe. You too can become part of this success story. If you are not sure whether and how QuickCON can optimize your processes, just contact us. We will be happy to advise you.

Questions and answers
Does QuickCON support LDT 3.0?
Yes, we are certified, have a converter and can provide LDT 3.0 data.
Is QuickCON certified for digital signature?
Yes, we are certified for digital signature. You can work paperless with QuickCON.
With which LIS, HIS and AIS is QuickCON compatible?
QuickCON is compatible with a wide range of laboratory information systems, hospital information systems and physician information systems. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.
Which operating systems does QuickCON support?
QuickCON is compatible with all Windows operating systems supported by Microsoft and all macOS versions supported by Apple. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.
What are the prices?
We have very flexible and fair pricing models. Depending on the requirements, we have different scales. This makes QuickCON attractive for both large and smaller facilities.

Information brochure (PDF)
You can find more information in our info brochure.
Questions and answers
Which operating systems does QuickCON support?
QuickCON is compatible with all Windows operating systems supported by Microsoft and all macOS versions supported by Apple. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.
Does QuickCON support LDT 3.0?
Yes, we are certified, have a converter and can provide LDT 3.0 data.
Is QuickCON certified for digital signature?
Yes, we are certified for digital signature. You can work paperless with QuickCON.
With which LIS, HIS and AIS is QuickCON compatible?
QuickCON is compatible with a wide range of laboratory information systems, hospital information systems and physician information systems. We would be happy to review your case. Just contact us.
What are the prices?
We have very flexible and fair pricing models. Depending on the requirements, we have different scales. This makes QuickCON attractive for both large and smaller facilities.

Information brochure (PDF)
You can find more information in our info brochure.
Möchten Sie mehr über QuickCON erfahren?
Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen oder stellen Ihnen QuickCON persönlich vor und beraten Sie in einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch.

Arrange an appointment
In einem 30-minütigen Telefontermin geben wir Ihnen ganz unverbindlich und kostenfrei einen Einblick in QuickCON. Vereinbaren Sie hierzu einfach einen Termin über unsere Online-Terminbuchung.

Ask a question
Do you have a specific question or
would you like to send us a message?
Then simply use our contact form
- we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also reach us by telephone.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 - 12.00 & Monday to Thursday from 13.00 - 16.00.

Melden Sie sich auch gerne per E-Mail bei uns.
Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen und senden Ihnen Details zu QuickCON zu.
Möchten Sie mehr über QuickCON erfahren?
Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen oder stellen Ihnen QuickCON persönlich vor und beraten Sie in einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch.

Arrange an appointment
In einem 30-minütigen Telefontermin geben wir Ihnen ganz unverbindlich und kostenfrei einen Einblick in QuickCON. Vereinbaren Sie hierzu einfach einen Termin über unsere Online-Terminbuchung.

Ask a question
Do you have a specific question or
would you like to send us a message?
Then simply use our contact form
- we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also reach us by telephone.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 - 12.00 & Monday to Thursday from 13.00 - 16.00.

Melden Sie sich auch gerne per E-Mail bei uns.
Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen und senden Ihnen Details zu QuickCON zu.