Allgäu Team Challenge 2021

05.10.2021 | Company

It's no secret that we in the Bucher Group have a certain soft spot for the mountains. So there couldn't have been a better setting than the Allgäu for our teambuilding this year. Early in the morning, we took the coach to Oberstaufen, where we were greeted by bright sunshine and late summer temperatures, as well as the team from the Jürgen Koch Activity Center.

We started with a hearty snack to fortify ourselves for the team challenge that followed. And that was quite a challenge : divided into groups, we had to master various tasks and stations together, which challenged our team spirit and sportsmanship in equal measure. Everyone got their money's worth - whether it was a daredevil quad course, stick shooting or tree trunk sawing. The whole thing was rounded off by a GPS-guided hike through the picturesque area around Oberstaufen, where all teams made it back to the finish line in the end - albeit sometimes via detours. Afterwards, it was time to gather strength and give everything at the human kicker tournament, which was mostly fair and impressively showed that our team also has some real soccer talents. Finally, we were able to refuel our reserves at a brilliant Allgäu BBQ before we started our journey home to Ulm.

A big thank you goes out to the team of the Aktivzentrum Jürgen Koch and especially to our colleague Corinna, who organized the wonderful day for us and thought of everything. We are already looking forward to the next Challenge. 

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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