Training days above the roofs of Ulm

02.11.2021 | QuickCON, Company

Our second training days under pandemic conditions and more participants than ever before - no problem at all with a little organizational skill and compliance with hygiene requirements. Quite the contrary. We are pleased about the great interest in our products and innovations and attach great importance to the intensive exchange with our customers. That's why our annual training days are among our most important events, and we wouldn't want to miss them under any circumstances.

Once again, the two days were filled with a wealth of information about our latest developments and enhancements. For example, our Order Entry was presented to the participants in an intensive hands-on training. In addition, the focus was on the innovations around the LabMessenger. Furthermore, our new statistics module was presented with the help of clear examples, before a small foretaste of our future development projects was given at the end. In between we could let our eyes wander over the roofs of Ulm and enjoy the view of the Ulm Cathedral.

After this intensive workshop, of course, a little diversion was not to be missed and what could be better than a short ride? The historic streetcar took all participants on a tour of discovery through the beautiful city of Ulm, and then the evening was brought to a rounded conclusion with good food and pleasant conversation.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all participants for their trust and their contribution to two successful training days. It was nice that you were with us. We are already looking forward to next year.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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