Bildungsmesse Ulm
Ulm | 13. bis 15.02.2025
AI-based LOINC mapping
LOINC - the future of laboratory data standards Laboratories are increasingly facing the challenge of standardizing their test catalogs and results with the internationally recognized LOINC code. LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) is a globally...
Promoting sustainable mobility in the company
Mobility is a key issue in the area of sustainability. It represents an important lever for reducing CO₂ emissions and promoting climate protection. Companies play a decisive role in promoting sustainable mobility, both in terms of...
Sponsoring: Smart Data Seminar
At a time when climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our society, it is crucial to raise young people's awareness of this issue at an early stage. This is also the aim of the project seminar...
Open day for pension provision
Preventive care can save lives. But only if you go. Around a third of women in Germany do not go for regular cancer screening. In order to change this and raise awareness of women's health, the Open Screening Day was organized...
VDCA home game in Ulm
Two days full of exciting insights and wonderful discussions in a friendly and open atmosphere - that was the 46th annual conference of the Association of German Cytological Assistants (VDCA) last weekend. All the more valuable for us, as the...
Cytology labs at an advantage: potential of the new flat rates
For cytology laboratories, the new flat-rate fee regulations from 2025 are really worthwhile! They will not be affected by the cuts in the reimbursement of sample transportation costs and specialist fees and will also benefit from the new...
Between roller coaster and wine enjoyment - company outing 2024
It brought back some childhood memories: our annual company outing took us to the amusement park this time. In beautiful spring weather and bright sunshine, we went to Tripsdrill, one of the oldest amusement parks in Germany, where all the rides are...
Digital order entry: seizing opportunities despite the change in fees
In future, digital order entry will be remunerated by additional flat-rate fees, which some software manufacturers are celebrating as a breakthrough in the introduction of order entry systems. At the same time, however, the reimbursement of costs for sample transportation...
Integrate medical history forms in Order Entry
Comprehensive request and medical history forms for specific medical examinations can now be displayed directly in Order Entry. All the information required for an examination can be queried via individual additional fields. These...
Computer science is female - Girls'Day 2024
Computer science is a woman's domain! Yes, you read that right. Even if the proportion of women in the industry today might suggest otherwise, in the early days, programming was primarily a woman's job. In that sense, you could say that the six...
VDCA-Jahrestagung in Ulm
Das wird ein Heimspiel! Vom 07. bis 09.06. findet die 46. Jahrestagung des Verbands Deutscher Cytologisch Tätiger Assistenten e.V. (VDCA) statt – und das in unserem schönen Ulm. Keine Frage also, dass wir als Aussteller mit dabei sind. Sie möchten einen persönlichen...
Unser Leitbild
Nach intensiver und kreativer Zusammenarbeit freuen wir uns, unser vollendetes Leitbild präsentieren zu können. Dieser aufregende Prozess war geprägt von lebhaften Diskussionen, spannenden Erkenntnissen und wertvollen Einsichten – ein bedeutender Meilenstein für uns...