Successful Covid mass testing for companies with QuickCON Order Entry.

27.11.2020 | COVID-19, QuickCON

To break corona infection chains within the workforce, many companies have responded by offering their employees the opportunity for free on-site testing. Such mass testing can be a challenge for the laboratory, especially for larger companies. For this very reason, we have added the module "Series Testing" to QuickCON Order Entry. This is already being used successfully by several laboratories, including the MVZ for Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Koblenz-Mittelrhein.

"We repeatedly receive requests from large companies that want to have their employees tested. However, corporate testing requires a different procedure than testing stations visited by individual patients. With QuickCON Order Entry, we can implement such projects optimally," says Christian Schaab, IT manager at Labor Koblenz.

The big advantage is the list function of the Order Entry. Thanks to this, COVID 19 orders can be read in collectively. All that is needed is a list of all employees to be tested, which is provided by the company. An individual QR code is then generated for each employee from the data entered. When it's the person's turn, the QR code is scanned by the laboratory staff on site and assigned to the smear. All orders can thus be entered directly with just a few clicks. The labels are printed automatically.

In this way, testing can be carried out on a larger scale in a short time. This gives all those involved a measure of security and can ultimately have a positive effect on the further course of infection.

We are pleased that we can support our customers, such as the Koblenz laboratory, a little bit in their so important work.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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