Käpsele 2021

22.07.2021 | Company

Being called a "Käpsele" is probably one of the nicest compliments you can get in Swabian. In Swabia, being a Käpsele means having a lot on your mind. Reason enough, therefore, to reward special achievements with a prize bearing precisely this name.

At Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium, with which we have been partners for many years, there are many bright minds. Some of them were able to complete their school careers last week and receive their school-leaving certificates. The best among them received special awards for their achievements.

The donors of these awards include private individuals as well as companies from the region. Since mathematics plays a major role in a software company like ours, it was clear to us that we would take on the award for the best exam results in this subject. And since we also have a great soft spot for Swabian, the name of the prize was almost obvious.

The Käpsele Prize for the best high school graduates in mathematics went to Juri Langer and Jonas Herrmann. This was the first time that two winners were honored with this prize for their outstanding achievements. We are happy about so much brains and wish the graduates all the best for the future.




Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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