Patient communication - providing findings online

15.09.2021 | Company

Waiting for a laboratory result can sometimes be nerve-wracking for patients. It is often necessary to call the practice to find out the test results. If the telephone lines in the practice are also permanently busy, a lot of patience is required.

With the QuickPAT document portal, you can offer your patients the option of conveniently retrieving findings online. Any other type of document can also be provided digitally, such as medication plans or special certificates. The corresponding document can be viewed, downloaded or printed directly - without having to come to the practice. All that is required is the date of birth and the personal identification number, which is generated by the respective laboratory. The online portal gives the patient access to his or her documents at any time and from anywhere - whether via PC or smartphone.

If you want to learn more, just contact us and we will show you how you can offer your patients an attractive added value.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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