New function in Order Entry: Interactive PDF forms for additional information

03.05.2022 | QuickCON

Certain examinations often require additional information for the laboratory request, which must be filled out manually in the doctor's office and usually also supplemented with the patient data.

To facilitate this process, it is now possible in Order Entry to add interactive PDF forms to the individual examinations. If a new order is created in the doctor's office and the corresponding examination is selected, the PDF form linked to it opens automatically. This can then be filled out digitally, printed or filed directly. The patient data is already stored automatically and no longer needs to be added manually.

You can define yourself in the laboratory for which examinations the interactive PDF forms are to be stored and when these are to be considered mandatory fields. This function can be easily linked to your existing set of rules.

The new Order Entry function simplifies the lab request for your senders and ensures error-free processes in the lab.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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