Service specifications - available everywhere and always up to date

13.06.2022 | QuickCON

The service specifications provide your senders with basic information on the laboratory analyses you offer. However, this requires regular maintenance, for which programming skills are sometimes needed. In addition, the directory often needs to be maintained on multiple channels, making ongoing maintenance tedious.

With the QuickCON service specifications, maintaining your examination program is child's play. It can be maintained centrally in DocConnect and published automatically via all channels. Thus, the directory can be presented directly via QuickCON, displayed on your homepage, and exported as a PDF for printing at the push of a button. All changes can be made in no time at all and are automatically synchronized. The data required for this is taken directly from the laboratory information system.

In addition to integration on your website, the service directory can be presented as a separate landing page and is also available as a mobile view. In the case of multiple lab locations, different directories can also be displayed.

In addition, the QuickCON service specifications can be individually adapted to your corporate design by using your own logo and house colors, which has an even more positive effect on your customer loyalty.

You are not a QuickCON customer? Our service specifications can also be used as a stand-alone solution without any problems. Just get in touch with us.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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