Promote sustainability

28.03.2023 | Commitment, Company

On the occasion of our fundraising campaign in December, when we decided together as a team to forgo part of our bonus and donate it, we had already announced it: The company itself will donate a larger sum to several regional organizations from different areas over the course of the year in order to reach as many people in the region as possible.

We are dedicating this year's first donation to the area of sustainability. A topic that is part of our corporate culture and on which we continuously work to make a difference here as a company. Since we took great care in selecting organizations that are not only regionally based but also reflect our values, we chose an association that - despite its relatively young history - has already made a great contribution to the topic of sustainability.

The association "Haus der Nachhaltigkeit Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Region e.V." (House of Sustainability Ulm, Neu-Ulm and Region) has set itself the task of preserving the foundations of life for present and future generations by acting responsibly in the areas of society and the environment. The declared aim is to "actively and democratically accompany and shape social, economic, ecological, technological and ethical change in Ulm, Neu-Ulm and the region". The association is an initiative of citizens, NGOs, science and companies who all want to make a local contribution to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In practice, seminars, lectures, workshops and cultural events are held and advice on sustainability is offered. A repair café has already been launched, and in the future the House of Sustainability will open its doors as a meeting place with a café and concept store, seminar and workshop rooms, offices and co-working spaces .

What this citizen-oriented and grassroots commitment has set up in a short time has impressed us greatly. That is why we support the "House of Sustainability" out of deepest conviction with a donation of € 15,000 and are sure that this sum is in the best hands here to contribute to the sustainable shaping of our future.

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