Record-breaking: DMEA 2023

04.05.2023 | Company

Over 16,000 trade visitors and more than 750 exhibitors from almost 30 countries - more than ever before. With a significant increase, DMEA 2023 ended last Thursday - and we were there again.

From April 25 to 27, the entire e-health industry came together in Berlin to jointly address the most important issues surrounding the digitization of healthcare. The spectrum of content was broad: from ePA to green IT to IT security, everything was there.

We also had another lively exchange with other professionals from the industry at our booth and are pleased with the great interest shown in us here. A big thank you for the numerous interesting conversations and the constructive exchange. In Berlin, we were once again able to gather many valuable impulses and suggestions that will certainly accompany us in our daily work for a long time to come.

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