Most medical practices cannot complain about too few patients. This may also be the reason for some to do without their own practice website. In view of the already acute shortage of specialists, however, the website still plays an important role that should not be underestimated.
According to statistics, around half of all doctors in Germany are over 50 years old, making the shortage of doctors a bitter reality in many places. In order to recruit new staff, medical practices must therefore nowadays apply to their potential new recruits and not vice versa. The website is therefore a personal letter of application and the first point of contact for professionals in a hotly contested market.
The importance of online presence for staff acquisition was also the subject of a recent article in the Ärztezeitung. According to the article, it must seem strange to young doctors to come across technologies such as fax machines in their everyday practice. If this new generation of "digital natives" then has to decide between a practice with a modern, informative website and a practice that has at most a Jameda entry - which practice will win the race in the end? So anyone who is seriously looking for specialists has a clear advantage with an appealing web presence. And the competition is fierce.
In addition, a well-designed and functional website also means an enormous time saving for the practice team. Whether current topics and services, job postings and documents: both applicants and patients can obtain comprehensive information on a practice website and do not have to call the practice separately. An integrated online appointment booking and prescription request also ensure free telephone lines and more time for the essentials.
We could now list many more advantages why a practice website is always worthwhile. Due to our many years of experience in the healthcare sector, we know the industry and know exactly what is important for a practice website. If you would like to present your practice optimally on the web, we will be happy to support you. Just get in touch with us. You can find more information about our design services here.