Education, the Second: Donation to the Education Network and the BvSG

11.07.2023 | Commitment, Company

We have often emphasized the importance we attach to education. That is why we have also divided up our annual donation: The second donation in this area, amounting to €3,000, goes to the Ulm/Neu-Ulm education network This means that the Ulm Stadtjugendring is followed by another organization that puts its expertise entirely at the service of young people in the region.

The Ulm/Neu-Ulm education network is a cross-city project. Its goal is to link schools and daycare centers with non-school educational institutions in order to facilitate joint projects or long-term partnerships. We had already made a donation to the network during our major fundraising campaign in 2021 and were thrilled with what the team around Monika Schmid had set up with it. With the idea of reaching as many children as possible, a call for proposals was launched in which schools and daycare centers could submit applications for cooperation with external partners. The project was so successful that the education network team decided to repeat it. The application window for the second round of calls for proposals closed just recently. We are excited to see what great new projects will emerge in the coming school year and are happy to contribute to them with our donation.

Furthermore, the long-standing cooperation with the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium in Neu-Ulm has entered a new round. Thanks to the donation of € 5,000, many exciting projects can once again be initiated in order to inspire even more students for the MINT subjects.

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