
QUICKNEO unterstützt
alle Schritte des

QuickNEO hilft Screeninglaboren bei der Durchführung des endokrinologischen und metabolischen Neugeborenenscreenings.

The functions

Order entry

Mit QuickNEO sind sämtliche Aufträge der einsendenden Kliniken im Handumdrehen erfasst.

For this purpose, the dried blood cards submitted by the sender are first presorted and scanned. The order data is imported from the OCR software. In addition, the dry blood cards are saved as an image and assigned to the respective order.


This is followed by a visual check of all the data. This process is greatly facilitated by a preselection that provides information about which data is mandatory. Missing data can simply be added manually. It is also possible to enter orders completely manually.

If all the information is complete, the respective order is created. If there are duplicate data records for a child, they can be easily merged.

Order entry

Mit QuickNEO sind sämtliche Aufträge der einsendenden Kliniken im Handumdrehen erfasst.

For this purpose, the dried blood cards submitted by the sender are first presorted and scanned. The order data is automatically transferred using OCR software. In addition, the dry blood cards are saved as an image and assigned to the respective order.

This is followed by a visual check of all the data. This process is greatly facilitated by a preselection that provides information about which data is mandatory. Missing data can simply be added manually. It is also possible to enter orders completely manually.

If all the information is complete, the respective order is created. If there are duplicate data records for a child, they can be easily merged.

Device connection

A worklist is automatically generated from the orders and transmitted to the laboratory instrument. This ensures that the orders are clearly assigned to the test material.

The measured values are imported from the laboratory device into the software and can be adjusted if necessary. They are then automatically assigned to the children.


The findings are displayed in detail in the findings view, with abnormal values highlighted in color. Once the findings are complete, the laboratory physician can check them, adjust the evaluation if necessary, and finally release the findings. Here, there is the option of releasing all inconspicuous findings together.

In the event of abnormal initial findings or incorrect test material, a control card is automatically requested in order to have the test repeated.

Control & Tracking

For better control, lists can be created according to various criteria, such as incoming lists, sender statistics or lists of open findings. In addition, the following can be mapped:

Confirmation tracking

Checking whether confirmatory diagnostics have taken place at a specialized diagnostic facility following a suspected target disease.


Birth book control

Checking the completeness of the children included in the screening using the birth book numbers of the senders.

Order tracking

Checking whether an expected further dry blood card has been received after a problem caused by the sender (e.g. too little material).

Control & Tracking

For better control, lists can be created according to various criteria, such as incoming lists, sender statistics or lists of open findings. In addition, the following can be mapped:

Confirmation tracking

Checking whether confirmatory diagnostics have taken place at a specialized diagnostic facility following a suspected target disease.

Birth book control

Checking the completeness of the children included in the screening using the birth book numbers of the senders.

Order tracking

Checking whether an expected further dry blood card has been received after a problem caused by the sender (e.g. too little material).

Quality control

Quality control involves checking that all laboratory instruments measure accurately and comply with the specified reference values. For this purpose, the values of each individual titer plate are recorded and documented. The values are graphically visualized in a diagram so that deviations between target and measured values are visible at a glance.


Durch die zahlreichen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bietet QuickNEO ein hohes Maß an Individualität und kann genau auf die Abläufe des einzelnen Labors angepasst werden.

In this way, parameters and senders can be managed individually. In addition, logical actions can be defined depending on the evaluation and your own report texts can be stored. Your own letter templates further simplify everyday laboratory work.

Screening ID

In the screening centers, it must be ensured that children can be clearly identified - even in the case of multiple examinations by different senders.

Step 1

To be able to guarantee this, label sheets with peelable adhesive labels are used. We print these label sheets with unique screening IDs and specific additional information for each screening center. We deliver these to the screening centers, which distribute them to their respective senders (maternity facilities, pediatricians).

Step 2

To assign a screening ID to a child, the sender sticks a label sheet in the child's "yellow" screening booklet. The screening ID accompanies a child with the "yellow" screening booklet to all examinations nationwide.

Step 3

When sending examination orders (dry blood card) to a screening center, the sender sticks one of the peel-off labels on each dry blood card. This communicates the screening ID together with the personal details to the screening center.

Questions and answers

Kann QuickNEO bundesland- oder laborspezifische Anforderungen abbilden?

QuickNEO lässt sich auf unterschiedliche Anforderungen individuell anpassen – sowohl bundesland- als auch laborspezifisch. Sonderwünsche können problemlos umgesetzt werden.

Who approved the assignment of the IDs?

We only generate unique sequential numbers without personal reference. No authorization is required for this generation of sequential numbers. We meet all the necessary requirements for this.

Who manages the IDs with the data on the child?

Wir registrieren nur, welcher Nummernkreis ausgegeben wurde, um Duplikate zu vermeiden. Die Zuordnung einer ID zu einem Kind erfolgt in der Geburtseinrichtung mit Einkleben des Etikettenbogens in das „gelbe“ Vorsorgeuntersuchungsheft. Erst nach der Datenübermittlung an ein regionales Screening-Zentrum ist dort eine Verwaltung dieser Daten möglich. Die Verwaltung der zu einer Screening-ID gehörenden, personenbezogenen Daten ist damit nur über das regionale Screening-Zentrum möglich.

Is it possible to code submitters with in the screening ID?

No. The screening ID accompanies a child with the "yellow" screening booklet throughout Germany at all examinations. If examination results are transmitted together with a screening ID to a regional screening center, these results can be clearly assigned to the same child there. Who transmits this data cannot be included in the pre-printed screening ID, since it is impossible to know in advance where the child will be examined. Consequently, sender codes cannot be included in the screening ID.

How do privacy and screening ID fit together?

The screening ID improves data protection because it ensures correct data storage. Without a screening ID, a child would have to be assigned by name, first name, date of birth, etc., which can cause problems with newborns if, for example, the first name has not yet been definitively determined. Since the screening ID is known only to authorized persons (mother, pediatrician, tracking center), it can also be used as an access code for data queries (e.g., information on findings by telephone). Caution must be exercised when transmitting master data from the birth center to the screening center - even without a screening ID. It is important that the mother is informed to whom which data are transmitted and that she can object to this if necessary (declaration of consent by the mother).

What does the nationwide tracking server do?

The ID Tracking Server allows regional screening centers to provide data to other screening centers. The ID Tracking Server enables controlled networking of regional screening centers for tracking requests.


  • Screening ID
  • Date of issue
  • Contact details of the screening laboratory

BS software development stores tracking data only after concluding a contract on "data processing on behalf" with the regional screening center. The regional screening center retains responsibility and control over the transmitted and stored data.

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