COVID-19 Patient App

COVID-19 Patient App

In view of the current situation regarding the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the main thing is to save time. We have therefore been working flat out in recent days on a new patient app that will ensure faster processes in diagnostics.

The app informs patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 about their findings by means of a traffic light system. In the event of a positive result, all necessary measures can be initiated as quickly as possible.

For this purpose, the collection centers for COVID-19 tests receive label sheets, each with two QR codes that belong together. When a swab is taken from a patient - for example, at a drive-in test station - the patient receives a label. the patient receives a label. The patient can download the app from the relevant app store and log in using the QR code or the ID number on the label. The sample is sent to the laboratory together with the second barcode. Here, the barcode for the order (in any LDT-relevant data field) is scanned. The finished report is exported and scanned in the laboratory for a possible COVID-19 examination and an existing BS order code. The findings result for this order code is entered on the central server. As soon as the findings are available, the patient receives a push notification.

With our app, the patient is informed about his test result in real time , which is clearly displayed by means of a traffic light system. This eliminates the need for a telephone query, thus relieving the burden on the responsible departments and keeping the telephone lines free. This saves valuable time.

The app can be downloaded free of charge from the respective app store and is compatible with all laboratory information systems. The tools for the laboratories are ready to use. In addition, thanks to the HERMA company, we have free labels for 125,000 tests that can be forwarded directly to interested laboratories.

Some large laboratories are already using our app. If you are also interested, please feel free to contact us.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
School and then?

School and then?

With this question in mind, many of the more than 40,000 students surely arrived at the 10th Ulm Education Fair, which ended on Saturday after three eventful and informative days. 280 exhibitors in 7 halls were well prepared to give many a visitor an answer to this question and to show them perspectives for starting their careers.

We were there for the first time as an exhibitor to present our training and study opportunities and, not least, our company itself. The focus of the many discussions was on our apprenticeships and degree programs in the IT sector. But also the possibility of an apprenticeship in the commercial sector or a dual study program for media design were very popular with the students. Many of them came to our booth specifically and well prepared to learn more about the Bucher Group and the healthcare IT industry.

And so we take away not only the one or other exciting resume of a potential junior software developer, but also many impressions about what moves young people in search of their professional career. This encourages us to continue to focus on the topic of promoting young talent and training. So there's no question that the next Ulm Education Fair in 2022 is already an absolute must for us.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
2nd Advent: 20.000,00 € for education

2nd Advent: 20.000,00 € for education

Education is of great importance to our society. It plays a decisive role in determining life opportunities and guarantees cultural and social participation. The pandemic has shown that education is all too often not a matter of course and cannot be valued highly enough. That is why we are opening a "little door" of our Advent campaign for this so elementary area.

A donation of € 15,000.00 goes to the Education Network Ulm/Neu-Ulm. This cross-town project has set itself the task of networking schools and daycare centers with external cooperation partners. In this way, the various institutions are given the opportunity to take advantage of educational offerings in a wide range of areas - from sports and nutrition to the environment, culture and digitization.

One of the foundations for the network's work is the Ulm Education Initiative, which was launched back in 2000. A key guiding principle here is equity of opportunity, which encompasses both the promotion of children and young people, the relief of families and the integration of marginalized and at-risk groups. Mitigating the impact of pandemics has also become an important issue. One challenge in coordinating the collaborations is often the start-up funding for the individual projects. We hope that our donation will contribute to this important work, so that as many children and young people as possible in our region benefit.

The symbolic handover of the check took place in time for St. Nicholas Day on December 6 at Ulm City Hall. The head of the educational network Ulm/Neu-Ulm, Mrs. Monika Schmid, the second mayor of the city of Ulm, Mrs. Iris Mann, who is responsible for the departments of culture, education and social affairs, as well as the head of the department for education, culture, sports and social affairs of the city of Neu-Ulm, Mr. Ralph Seiffert, were present.

In addition, € 5,000.00 goes to other projects. These include the annual donations to our partner school, the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium in Pfuhl, and to the Verschwörhaus in Ulm. We also support the Erich-Kästner elementary school in Ludwigsfeld in staging a play.

1st Advent: 20.000,00 € for the region

1st Advent: 20.000,00 € for the region

The region of Ulm and the surrounding area is economically strong and is one of the more prosperous parts of the country. But even here there are fellow citizens who are not doing so well. Whether they are single parents or elderly people whose pensions are barely enough to live on - they are all in need, usually through no fault of their own, and are dependent on help.

Exactly these people are taken care of by the "Aktion 100.000 and Ulmer helft". For 50 years, this initiative has been known for providing uncomplicated and quick help - unbureaucratically and with a lot of commitment. The self-declared goal is to alleviate hardship in the region and to treat our fellow human beings with more respect and humanity. To this end, donations are collected and taken to exactly where the need is greatest. For example, just before Christmas, 1,500 checks are sent directly to people affected by poverty. In addition, social and charitable organizations and projects are supported to ensure their continued existence.

The 100,000 campaign is supported by income from events and donations. The latter are all the more important this winter, when events can once again not take place due to corona. We are therefore all the more pleased to support this commitment and are convinced to place our donation of € 20,000.00 in trustworthy hands so that it reaches directly where it is most urgently needed.

For the symbolic handover of the check, we were pleased to welcome the head of organization of the campaign Karl Bacherle as well as the campaign editor of the SWP Birgit Eberle in our premises.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickDESIGN – für den entscheidenden ersten Eindruck

QuickDESIGN – für den entscheidenden ersten Eindruck

A professional and authentic external presentation is also an absolute must for medical facilities. The practice website is usually the first point of contact for new patients. An individual design ensures a high recognition value and turns your facility into an unmistakable brand.

We combine competencies in the areas of design, marketing and industry-specific know-how in the healthcare sector. So we know what is particularly important when it comes to designing your external communication. Together we develop a corporate design that suits you and stands out from the competition. When creating your web presence, we pay attention to every detail - from user-friendly usability and appropriate content to search engine optimization and regular maintenance of your website. In addition, we provide communication tools that leave an impression and, if desired, we also take care of the printing. We are also happy to take care of the professional photo shoot of your facility to put it in the right light.

To round off our service portfolio, we also advise you on the subject of practice start-ups and digitization. Through the Bucher Group network, we have extensive expertise in this area.

You want to learn more? You can find more information here. Or simply contact us and let us advise you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Training days above the roofs of Ulm

Training days above the roofs of Ulm

Our second training days under pandemic conditions and more participants than ever before - no problem at all with a little organizational skill and compliance with hygiene requirements. Quite the contrary. We are pleased about the great interest in our products and innovations and attach great importance to the intensive exchange with our customers. That's why our annual training days are among our most important events, and we wouldn't want to miss them under any circumstances.

Once again, the two days were filled with a wealth of information about our latest developments and enhancements. For example, our Order Entry was presented to the participants in an intensive hands-on training. In addition, the focus was on the innovations around the LabMessenger. Furthermore, our new statistics module was presented with the help of clear examples, before a small foretaste of our future development projects was given at the end. In between we could let our eyes wander over the roofs of Ulm and enjoy the view of the Ulm Cathedral.

After this intensive workshop, of course, a little diversion was not to be missed and what could be better than a short ride? The historic streetcar took all participants on a tour of discovery through the beautiful city of Ulm, and then the evening was brought to a rounded conclusion with good food and pleasant conversation.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all participants for their trust and their contribution to two successful training days. It was nice that you were with us. We are already looking forward to next year.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Einstein Marathon 2021 - We were there!

Einstein Marathon 2021 - We were there!

The first weekend in October started in the same way and continued in an extremely sporty manner.

With the Ulm Einstein Marathon, a small but fine running team from the Bucher Group took on the next challenge. Despite tired legs from the Allgäu Team Challenge the day before, our sporty colleagues gave their all and put in a brilliant performance at the Liqui Moly City Run over a distance of 10 km along the Danube. All members successfully crossed the finish line and could rightly be very proud of themselves. We certainly are.

Great performance, you jocks!


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Allgäu Team Challenge 2021

Allgäu Team Challenge 2021

It's no secret that we in the Bucher Group have a certain soft spot for the mountains. So there couldn't have been a better setting than the Allgäu for our teambuilding this year. Early in the morning, we took the coach to Oberstaufen, where we were greeted by bright sunshine and late summer temperatures, as well as the team from the Jürgen Koch Activity Center.

We started with a hearty snack to fortify ourselves for the team challenge that followed. And that was quite a challenge : divided into groups, we had to master various tasks and stations together, which challenged our team spirit and sportsmanship in equal measure. Everyone got their money's worth - whether it was a daredevil quad course, stick shooting or tree trunk sawing. The whole thing was rounded off by a GPS-guided hike through the picturesque area around Oberstaufen, where all teams made it back to the finish line in the end - albeit sometimes via detours. Afterwards, it was time to gather strength and give everything at the human kicker tournament, which was mostly fair and impressively showed that our team also has some real soccer talents. Finally, we were able to refuel our reserves at a brilliant Allgäu BBQ before we started our journey home to Ulm.

A big thank you goes out to the team of the Aktivzentrum Jürgen Koch and especially to our colleague Corinna, who organized the wonderful day for us and thought of everything. We are already looking forward to the next Challenge. 

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Patient communication - providing findings online

Patient communication - providing findings online

Waiting for a laboratory result can sometimes be nerve-wracking for patients. It is often necessary to call the practice to find out the test results. If the telephone lines in the practice are also permanently busy, a lot of patience is required.

With the QuickPAT document portal, you can offer your patients the option of conveniently retrieving findings online. Any other type of document can also be provided digitally, such as medication plans or special certificates. The corresponding document can be viewed, downloaded or printed directly - without having to come to the practice. All that is required is the date of birth and the personal identification number, which is generated by the respective laboratory. The online portal gives the patient access to his or her documents at any time and from anywhere - whether via PC or smartphone.

If you want to learn more, just contact us and we will show you how you can offer your patients an attractive added value.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Corona Pool Tests for Schools

Corona Pool Tests for Schools

Since the end of the summer vacations, several German states have switched to corona pool testing at daycare centers and schools, in which all children in a group or class are tested together with just one PCR test. We support laboratories in implementing these group tests safely and quickly.

As a rule, the pool tests run as follows: Schools are provided with barcode and QR code label sheets and the test material by the laboratory. After sampling in the respective group or class, all swabs are collected in a pool tube. This is provided with a barcode so that a clear allocation is ensured. The responsible teacher or educator scans the corresponding QR code with his or her cell phone and is automatically redirected to a web form. This form is already filled out and only needs to be completed with the name of the school and the respective class. In this way, the lab order is activated.

After evaluation of the test pools in the laboratory, the results will be reported to the:school's Corona Officer. If the test results are negative, no further action is required. In the case of a positive pool test, retesting of the children from this group is arranged - but this is done individually and in the child's home environment. For this purpose, parents receive labels with a barcode and a QR code in addition to the swab material. After the test has been performed, this code is stuck onto the test tube and scanned in order to be automatically forwarded to the website for data entry. Here, the child's data as well as an email address and, if applicable, a cell phone number are entered to activate the lab order. Once the test result is available, parents and teachers are conveniently informed by e-mail or, if desired, by text message.

Pool tests are a good method for reliably and cost-effectively detecting corona infections. In addition, they are usually well accepted by children, as the tests are usually performed as so-called lollipop tests. With our solution, such pool tests can be implemented easily and safely, even on a large scale. If you are interested in our software solution, please contact us.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

Käpsele 2021

Käpsele 2021

Being called a "Käpsele" is probably one of the nicest compliments you can get in Swabian. In Swabia, being a Käpsele means having a lot on your mind. Reason enough, therefore, to reward special achievements with a prize bearing precisely this name.

At Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium, with which we have been partners for many years, there are many bright minds. Some of them were able to complete their school careers last week and receive their school-leaving certificates. The best among them received special awards for their achievements.

The donors of these awards include private individuals as well as companies from the region. Since mathematics plays a major role in a software company like ours, it was clear to us that we would take on the award for the best exam results in this subject. And since we also have a great soft spot for Swabian, the name of the prize was almost obvious.

The Käpsele Prize for the best high school graduates in mathematics went to Juri Langer and Jonas Herrmann. This was the first time that two winners were honored with this prize for their outstanding achievements. We are happy about so much brains and wish the graduates all the best for the future.




Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickPAT - Patient communication made easy

QuickPAT - Patient communication made easy

The pandemic has shown how important digital communication solutions are for patients. Optimal communication creates satisfaction, saves time, and is thus an important building block for everyday medical work. With QuickPAT, we have now developed a tool for your patient communication. It consists of two modules: Via the appointment booking, patients can make their appointments online and via the document portal they can retrieve documents digitally.

You can use the appointment booking module for any type of appointment and configure it according to your own wishes - whether it is a regular consultation appointment, Covid test or vaccination appointment. Online appointment booking saves a lot of time and ensures trouble-free practice processes - this is particularly important in the current situation, where Corona vaccinations are increasingly being made the responsibility of GPs*. But the module can also be optimally used for other scenarios.

The administration of the module is very simple. You can configure the appointment booking form individually and define which appointments and times should be available for selection, add exceptions or adapt the design to your corporate design. You can also define which fields are mandatory and be flexible in the selection of bookable times. Thus, it is possible to store special and blocked times as well as to assign time slots more than once. Different appointment types can also be defined and the duration required for each can be specified. The duration of the bookable time slot is displayed to the patient in the booking screen. If there are multiple locations, such as MVZs or practice branches, this can also be taken into account when booking appointments and set accordingly.

In addition to booking appointments, QuickPAT offers the possibility via the document portal, to make all types of documents available online. Whether findings, medication plans or special certificates - offer your patients the convenient option of simply viewing, downloading and printing personal documents in digital form without having to visit the practice. This saves time and money and offers your patients attractive added value.

By the way: Both functions are available to your patients web-based, so they can access them at any time - whether via PC or smartphone.

If you'd like to learn more, just contact us and we'll show you how to optimize your patient communications with QuickPAT.




Picture credits: © Bucher Group