2020 - A look back at an eventful year

22.12.2020 | Company

The year 2020 will remain a lasting memory for all of us. The Corona pandemic threw a lot of things into disarray and pushed most other issues into the background. It was no different for us - priorities were reset, training days were postponed, trade shows were cancelled and meetings were held from the home office. Despite all the circumstances, we accomplished a lot this year and learned a lot about ourselves in the process. 

Through our industry, we are very close to the corona action. We know first-hand the work that medical practices and laboratories are doing on a daily basis right now and the challenges they are facing. Accordingly, many of the projects we completed this year were related to the corona virus in some way. This included connecting labs to the Corona Warn app as well as adapting our order entry to mass testing at Corona test stations, airports, companies, etc. We often had to respond to ever-changing requirements in order to implement the appropriate solution quickly and reliably.

With a lot of commitment, the odd night shift and special working conditions in the home office, our team mastered the daily challenges and did a great job. In this way, we were also able to make a contribution in the fight against the pandemic.

Many companies and their employees are currently struggling with the economic consequences of the pandemic. We are aware that we work in an industry that is less affected by this and we do not take it for granted. Every Christmas, we donate an amount to humanitarian organizations to give something back to those in a less privileged situation. This year, such support is perhaps more important than ever. 10,000 euros will therefore go to various regional and national organizations. Among them are "Aktion 100 000 und Ulmer helft" and "Ulms kleine Spatzen e.V.", which we would like to support with 3,000 euros each. The remaining 4,000 euros will be divided between the "Sterntaler für Afrika e.V." association , the "Straßenkinderhilfe e.V." and the "Plan-for-the-planet Foundation". We are convinced that every contribution makes a difference and can help - especially in this crisis.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and partners for the trust they have placed in us over the past year. We are looking forward to further cooperation and look forward to the new year with confidence. Until then, we wish you peaceful and relaxing holidays.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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