Training days 2020 - a lot of input by far

07.10.2020 | QuickCON, Company

Postponed is not canceled - that applies to many events this year. It was the same for us when planning this year's training days. We were all the more pleased to finally be able to hold them in October, albeit with distance and masks. For the first time, we were able to welcome the participants in our own premises and present the latest developments and enhancements of our software solutions to them here.

In a hands-on workshop, the participants had the opportunity to get to know our latest modules and functions. Among other things, the focus was on our new Order Entry including extensions as well as the digital signature and the knowledge module. In an outlook, our guests got a small foretaste of future developments and projects.

Even though the evening event had to be cancelled this year due to Corona, a nice dinner and pleasant conversations provided an adequate alternative.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our guests once again. We are pleased with the consistently positive response we received despite the unusual circumstances and look forward to the next training days again with excitement.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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