QuickCON: Digital signature now integrated in LabMessenger

01.02.2021 | QuickCON

With the Digital Signature module, bills requiring a signature can be signed digitally in the doctor's office - paperless and fast. The module is now available in LabMessenger.

What can the Digital Signature module do?

At the sender's site, a digital certificate is generated from the patient data and the laboratory request, which can also be viewed in a preview. For the signature, communication is established with the eHBA using a card reader and the certificate is given the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Batch signing of all bills is also possible - saving a lot of time. It is clearly visible which documents still need to be signed. In the laboratory, the signed slips are exported directly to the LIS. The module can be used under both Windows and macOS.

Thanks to the Digital Signature, there is no need to print bills anymore and the signature is done in no time.


What is new?
From now on, the module is integrated directly in LabMessenger. This simplifies installation and operation as well as support. In addition, the direct integration means that there is no need to use third-party components on the client side - which increases the speed of the tool. All order data is now stored directly on the QC server, so that only the electronic signature needs to be transferred from the sender to the QC server. This reduces data traffic and makes the transfer significantly faster.

You would like to learn more about it? Then simply contact us. We would be happy to present the module to you in a personal meeting.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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