School and then?

11.02.2020 | Company

With this question in mind, many of the more than 40,000 students surely arrived at the 10th Ulm Education Fair, which ended on Saturday after three eventful and informative days. 280 exhibitors in 7 halls were well prepared to give many a visitor an answer to this question and to show them perspectives for starting their careers.

We were there for the first time as an exhibitor to present our training and study opportunities and, not least, our company itself. The focus of the many discussions was on our apprenticeships and degree programs in the IT sector. But also the possibility of an apprenticeship in the commercial sector or a dual study program for media design were very popular with the students. Many of them came to our booth specifically and well prepared to learn more about the Bucher Group and the healthcare IT industry.

And so we take away not only the one or other exciting resume of a potential junior software developer, but also many impressions about what moves young people in search of their professional career. This encourages us to continue to focus on the topic of promoting young talent and training. So there's no question that the next Ulm Education Fair in 2022 is already an absolute must for us.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group

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