BS Customer Days 2022

10.10.2022 | QuickCON

There are few events we look forward to as much as this one. So last week it was finally time again for our BS Customer Days: Two days filled with valuable insights, practical tips and tricks around our software solution QuickCON and in between a lot of time for interesting conversations and valuable exchange. All this was only topped by record-breaking numbers of participants, which we were very pleased about. So it was more than worth the wait.

This year, our event was divided into different blocks. We had asked our customers in advance for their wishes in order to be able to present and convey all contents as customer-oriented as possible. At the end of the first training day, a joint dinner followed by a social get-together provided a pleasant diversion before the second day continued with a joint brainstorming session. Last but not least, a short outlook on future projects and plans was not to be missed. And so two intensive customer days flew by again and actually ended much too quickly, so that we are already looking forward to next year.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for the confidence they have placed in us. It was nice that you were with us. We hope to welcome you again next year and if you already have ideas and wishes for the BS Customer Days 2023, please let us know.

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