Driving service - optimizes the workflow between laboratory, courier and practice

27.07.2023 | QuickCON

Die Koordinierung des Probenversands zwischen Arztpraxis und Labor erfordert viel Aufwand und läuft bisher meist unabhängig von der Laborsoftware. Das Fahrdienst-Modul in QuickCON bietet Ihnen in Kombination mit einem Flottentool nun erstmals die Möglichkeit, das Zusammenspiel zwischen Ihrem Labor, dem Kurier und Ihren Einsendern umfassend zu optimieren. Der Versand von Probenmaterial wird damit ab sofort kinderleicht und maximal effizient.

Efficient routes

To ensure that the lab courier is not left at a closed door, practices can store absence times in the driving service module. If a practice is on vacation, the route is automatically adjusted. If our Order Entry is in use in the practice, the intelligent system checks whether there are any lab orders at all. If there are no orders, the practice staff is automatically prompted to cancel the trip for that day. In this way, unnecessary trips and costs are avoided.

Facilitated communication

For the team in the doctor's office, it is transparent at all times when the vehicle will arrive. In the event of delays or traffic jams, the arrival time is automatically corrected so that the team can react in case of doubt. Urgent or special trips can be requested with just a few clicks. In this case, the route is adjusted or a new vehicle can be sent out if a single trip is necessary. The transport service module facilitates communication between the sending practice and the laboratory immensely.

Maximum planning capability

For the laboratory, the module offers maximum planning capability. Employees can track at any time which vehicle is currently on the road where and when it will arrive with the samples. They can see which consignor the vehicle was with and whether it contains urgent samples, so that prioritization can be flexibly adjusted if necessary.

Wenn Sie mehr über das Fahrdienst-Modul erfahren wollen, zeigen wir Ihnen dieses gerne persönlich. Melden Sie sich einfach bei uns.

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