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News about products, services & events

Girls‘ Day 2025: Entdecke die faszinierende Welt der IT

Wusstest du, dass die Geschichte der Informatik von beeindruckenden Frauen geprägt wurde? Von Ada Lovelace, der ersten Programmiererin, bis hin zu...


Girls’ Day

Ulm | 03.04.2025

AZÄD Annual Conference - Save the Date

AZÄD Annual Conference - Save the Date

Nothing planned for September? Why not visit us at the 12th AZÄD Annual Conference in Cologne. From September 22-24, 2022, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft zytologisch tätiger Ärzte in Deutschland e.V. invites you to the Rhineland trade fair city and we will be there as exhibitors. During...

Documentation obligation made easy

Documentation obligation made easy

Cytology laboratories and gynecology practices are required to document cancer screening examinations as part of the oKFE guideline. For this purpose, the forms specified by IQTIG must be filled out electronically and sent quarterly to the responsible...

After-work excursion with NABU

After-work excursion with NABU

Half a year has passed by now and our Advent campaign still provides for nice moments and encounters. Recently, we were able to see for ourselves that our donation to the Naturschutzbund Deutschland Gruppe Ulm/Neu-Ulm (NABU) was in the truest sense of the...

VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

Only a few days remain until this year's VDCA Annual Meeting: From May 6 to 8, 2022, cytology professionals will meet again in Leipzig to further their education, exchange ideas and gather valuable impulses for their daily work. We are looking forward...

DMEA 2022 - we were there

DMEA 2022 - we were there

Last week, the time had finally come again: For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the DMEA, Europe's leading event for the digitalization of healthcare, opened its doors again. So there's no question that we didn't want to miss this industry event....

Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

From April 26 to 28, the time has come: For the first time in three years, DMEA will open its doors - and finally live again. "Life is live" is also the motto under which Europe's leading event for the digitalization of healthcare will once again attract numerous visitors to...

QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

PoC NAT tests could be a positive addition to the current testing strategy and a significant relief for laboratories. They are similarly reliable as PCR tests and provide a result after only a few minutes. Some testing centers and pharmacies offer...

Information security - we are certified!

Information security - we are certified!

The topic of information security is of enormous importance, especially in the healthcare sector. As a software-developing company in this industry, we have a particularly great responsibility. We are aware of this and take this responsibility very seriously....

Annual review 2021

Annual review 2021

At this point, there could be a similar text as last year. Our lives are still marked by Corona with all its consequences and challenges - in private as well as in professional life. But there were also bright spots that are worth looking forward to....