With fire for the next generation - Donation to Stadtjugendring Ulm
Education makes the difference. It determines participation and a fulfilled life, prospects and development opportunities. It opens doors and is a basic prerequisite for respectful cooperation. We are convinced that the issue of education for children and young people cannot be given enough space. That is why we are dedicating our second annual donation to this cause. When selecting the organization, we took great care to ensure that as many children as possible in our region would benefit from our donation. So who would be a better choice than the Ulm-based umbrella organization of youth associations, youth groups and youth initiatives?
The Stadtjugendring Ulm e.V. represents the interests and needs of all growing Ulm citizens and reflects the diversity of a colorful youth and society in our city. The independent association forms a strong network of currently 61 members with a total of 25,000 children and young people. Whether it's the Boy Scouts, the Green Youth or the Choir Association - the range of clubs and organizations represented here is enormous. The offerings of the Stadtjugendring are just as diverse: from vacation courses to school projects, from media education to music education, everything is included. The offers are extremely popular with the families of Ulm and are booked up accordingly quickly. To ensure that as many children as possible can benefit from them, a strong team of volunteers or part-time employees is needed, who put their heart and soul into their work and put together great projects.
We are very pleased that we can make a contribution with our donation of € 6,000 to support and honor this valuable work of the Stadtjugendring. Among other things, the money will go to the Reithalle Ulm, one of the first indoor skating facilities in southern Germany, where the young skaters of Ulm can really let off steam. So that the children and young people can be offered something here, new ramps or floors are needed regularly, so that our donation is more than in the right place here. The riding hall is one of many locations managed by the Stadtjugendring. In total, these are more than 8,500 m² of premises that are made available for youth work. It's a task that hasn't been made any easier by the energy crisis. "The donation came at exactly the right time," emphasizes the association's managing director, Achim Spannagel. "Our energy costs have doubled due to the energy crisis." So there are plenty of reasons to support the great commitment of the Stadtjugendring. Imitation absolutely desired.
Practice website: The basis for successful employee acquisition
Most medical practices cannot complain about too few patients. This may also be the reason for some to do without their own practice website. In view of the already acute shortage of specialists, however, the website still plays an important role that should not be underestimated.
According to statistics, around half of all doctors in Germany are over 50 years old, making the shortage of doctors a bitter reality in many places. In order to recruit new staff, medical practices must therefore nowadays apply to their potential new recruits and not vice versa. The website is therefore a personal letter of application and the first point of contact for professionals in a hotly contested market.
The importance of online presence for staff acquisition was also the subject of a recent article in the Ärztezeitung. According to the article, it must seem strange to young doctors to come across technologies such as fax machines in their everyday practice. If this new generation of "digital natives" then has to decide between a practice with a modern, informative website and a practice that has at most a Jameda entry - which practice will win the race in the end? So anyone who is seriously looking for specialists has a clear advantage with an appealing web presence. And the competition is fierce.
In addition, a well-designed and functional website also means an enormous time saving for the practice team. Whether current topics and services, job postings and documents: both applicants and patients can obtain comprehensive information on a practice website and do not have to call the practice separately. An integrated online appointment booking and prescription request also ensure free telephone lines and more time for the essentials.
We could now list many more advantages why a practice website is always worthwhile. Due to our many years of experience in the healthcare sector, we know the industry and know exactly what is important for a practice website. If you would like to present your practice optimally on the web, we will be happy to support you. Just get in touch with us. You can find more information about our design services here.
Record-breaking: DMEA 2023
Over 16,000 trade visitors and more than 750 exhibitors from almost 30 countries - more than ever before. With a significant increase, DMEA 2023 ended last Thursday - and we were there again.
From April 25 to 27, the entire e-health industry came together in Berlin to jointly address the most important issues surrounding the digitization of healthcare. The spectrum of content was broad: from ePA to green IT to IT security, everything was there.
We also had another lively exchange with other professionals from the industry at our booth and are pleased with the great interest shown in us here. A big thank you for the numerous interesting conversations and the constructive exchange. In Berlin, we were once again able to gather many valuable impulses and suggestions that will certainly accompany us in our daily work for a long time to come.
Disabling QuickTEST and CWA
Three years characterized by social distancing, masks and regular rapid tests have come to an end and probably no one wishes this time of emergency back. As a company, however, we were able to gain many important insights and experiences during this time that were, despite everything, very instructive for us.
At the beginning of 2021, we developed QuickTEST, our software for rapid testing, and installed it at around 400 test centers. Taking into account customers' wishes, our solution has been continuously developed and optimized. We were also involved in the Corona Warn app and, in intensive collaboration with Telekom and the RKI, connected over 400 laboratories to the app.
Both projects are now coming to an end. The Corona Warn app was put to sleep earlier this month. And we also shut down QuickTEST on April 30. This closes an intensive and exciting chapter for us. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for their cooperation and trust in us and look forward to many new exciting projects.
If you still have questions about QuickTEST shutdown, feel free to contact our support.
German Laboratory Day 2023
Promote sustainability
On the occasion of our fundraising campaign in December, when we decided together as a team to forgo part of our bonus and donate it, we had already announced it: The company itself will donate a larger sum to several regional organizations from different areas over the course of the year in order to reach as many people in the region as possible.
We are dedicating this year's first donation to the area of sustainability. A topic that is part of our corporate culture and on which we continuously work to make a difference here as a company. Since we took great care in selecting organizations that are not only regionally based but also reflect our values, we chose an association that - despite its relatively young history - has already made a great contribution to the topic of sustainability.
The association "Haus der Nachhaltigkeit Ulm, Neu-Ulm und Region e.V." (House of Sustainability Ulm, Neu-Ulm and Region) has set itself the task of preserving the foundations of life for present and future generations by acting responsibly in the areas of society and the environment. The declared aim is to "actively and democratically accompany and shape social, economic, ecological, technological and ethical change in Ulm, Neu-Ulm and the region". The association is an initiative of citizens, NGOs, science and companies who all want to make a local contribution to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In practice, seminars, lectures, workshops and cultural events are held and advice on sustainability is offered. A repair café has already been launched, and in the future the House of Sustainability will open its doors as a meeting place with a café and concept store, seminar and workshop rooms, offices and co-working spaces .
What this citizen-oriented and grassroots commitment has set up in a short time has impressed us greatly. That is why we support the "House of Sustainability" out of deepest conviction with a donation of € 15,000 and are sure that this sum is in the best hands here to contribute to the sustainable shaping of our future.
German Laboratory Day and DMEA - Visit us in Berlin
Spring is just around the corner and with it the trade show season. We will be exhibiting at two events in the coming months to present our laboratory solutions to a wider audience.
It all starts on March 23-24 with the German Lab Day/BDL Annual Conference in Berlin. And because it's so nice in Berlin, we'll be right back there one month later when the DMEA opens its doors once again from April 25 to 27. At Europe's leading trade fair for digital health, you will find us in Hall: 1.2 Stand: C-106 .
If you are planning a visit to the trade fair and would like a personal meeting, then simply contact us. We will also be happy to provide you with DMEA visitor tickets.
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Fundraising campaign 2021: Long-lasting joy
Even one year after our big Advent campaign, we still receive news about exciting, valuable and heartwarming projects that were made possible by our donations. We are incredibly happy that we are able to directly experience these sustainable positive effects.
What the Ulm/Neu-Ulm education network set up last year with the donation really excited us: at the beginning of 2022, Monika Schmid's team had thought about how the money could benefit as many children as possible over as long a period as possible. What followed was a call for cooperation to schools and daycare centers to submit a funding application together with a potential cooperation partner - formally low-threshold and designed for the long term. Of 20 applications, 10 were finally selected for funding. The result was a colorful mix of projects in the fields of nature, sports, art and political education, which were launched last fall.
And because we are curious, we naturally took the opportunity to take a look at one of these projects at the end of the year: The cooperation between the Hans-Multscher-Grundschule and the Junge Ulmer Bühne (JUB) under the title "Vielfalt (er)leben" (Living Diversity) is a project group in which the students of all grades approach the topic of democracy in school in a playful way with the help of theater pedagogical exercises. The children were eager to get down to business and engaged with various impulses from inside and outside the school on this day.
And the projects at the other schools and kindergartens will also continue to generate great enthusiasm among many children in Ulm and Neu-Ulm until the end of the school year. In any case, we are super happy that we were able to make such a valuable difference with our donation and wish all participating children an exciting time with their projects.
Education fair 2023
The IT and medical sectors are industries with a future. So why not combine the two? No problem with us.
From application development and system integration to media design and office management - the opportunities for your start in professional life are as diverse as our everyday work.
And all of this is topped off by a great team and a beautiful work environment that make it a pleasure to come to work every day.
You want to learn more about us, our training and study offers? Then visit us from 09-11 February at the Ulm Education Fair, Hall: 1 Stand: 108.
We look forward to seeing you!
Review 2022
Annual reviews are such a thing. The Ukraine war, the energy crisis, inflation and Covid - to name just the tip of the iceberg... When you look at the world at the moment, you wonder whether you really need the umpteenth flashback to the past year.
Nevertheless, we find that it is especially important now to pause and consciously look back. To accept what was, in order to be able to look even more clearly into the future. And there are, the bright spots, which are worth to be appreciated accordingly...
This year, our team has been enriched by some valuable new colleagues. Together, we have put in a lot of effort to make a difference. In order to make our customers' daily work even easier and to advance the medical industry a little bit, we have added more smart features to our software solutions in 2022, such as the e-fax function in QuickCON. We were able to further establish our cytology software QuickLIS on the market and are pleased that one or the other trade show appearance was finally possible again. Our BS Customer Days in October were a complete success and showed us once again how valuable the close exchange with our customers is for our daily work.
But beyond our products and services, a lot has also been set in motion: We have defined our vision and shared values and have thus made great progress in developing our corporate mission statement. In addition, we have dealt intensively with the issue of sustainability and will focus more on this in the coming years.
What made us particularly happy this year was the fact that our major Advent fundraising campaign of 2021 bore its first fruit. It was exciting to see what the respective organizations were able to achieve with the donations. Not least because of this great experience, we decided at the end of the year to donate part of our bonus to "Aktion 100 000 und Ulmer helft". A decision that we made together as a team and that says a lot about us and our values. And these values will continue to carry us through the future and guide our work. In any case, we are well prepared for many exciting projects, new challenges and everything else that 2023 has to offer.
As always, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and partners for the good cooperation and the trust you have placed in us. We wish you a relaxing holiday season and a happy new year.
QC DEMIS adapter
The Gematik DEMIS adapter has been discontinued as of December 31, 2022. In order to continue to be able to reliably report infectious diseases to the responsible health authority in accordance with the Infection Protection Act (IfSG), we have developed a new adapter.
With the QC DEMIS adapter, you can report not only Covid pathogens but also all other pathogens supported by the DEMIS interface. that are supported by the DEMIS interface. An overview of the relevant pathogens can bepathogens can be found here.
The use of the QC-DEMIS adapter is independent of the laboratory information system, but only compatible with Windows operating systems. For authentication against the DEMIS interface, a certificate is required. certificate is required, which can be requested from the RKI. If you are already using the DEMIS adapter of the RKI the certificate is already available and you do not need to do anything else, because the certificate is also available for the QC-DEMIS adapter. certificate remains valid for the QC-DEMIS adapter.
Further information on how to apply for the certificate can be found here.
You can find out more about how it works in the attached flyer. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Now more than ever! We donate
Success is shareable - that has always been true in our company. And so it is our tradition to give back a little of our success in the form of an annual donation .
The last few years have been very positive economically for our company - an absolute privilege, of which we are very aware. Last year, we expressed the fact that this also results in social responsibility through our major Advent fundraising campaign.
But that's not all... This year, we employees voted and made a decision that each and every one of us personally supports: We are waiving part of our annual bonus and donating 15,789 euros to "Aktion 100 000 und Ulmer helft". This admittedly rather "crooked" sum is the result of a team-internal survey in which each employee was able to decide anonymously whether we should donate part of the bonus and how high the share should be. The democratic average now forms the donation sum.
Aktion 100 000 has made it its mission to support people in need in our immediate neighborhood - a task that is invaluable, especially in these times. We have been following the commitment of the Ulm-based organization for some time now and are very convinced of the unbureaucratic help that the employees provide for the people in our region. And this help is urgently needed, because the Ukraine war, the energy crisis and rising inflation mean that more and more people are now dependent on support . The food banks in Ulm, for example, needed help much earlier in the year than usual to cushion the extra workload, as Aktion 100 000 director Karl Bacherle told us personally.
We are sure that our donation is in the right place here and hope to pass on a small spark of hope in this way - now more than ever.
P.S.: It's not just the team that makes donations. The company itself will also donate a larger sum to various organizations over the coming year. More about this from the beginning of next year...
Neues Taskboard: Offene Aufgaben automatisch geklärt
Verbringen Sie viel Zeit damit, bei Ihren Einsendern fehlende Unterschriften oder Material nachzufordern?
Mit dem neuen QuickCON Taskboard haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, Ihren Einsendern Benachrichtigungen zu verschiedenen offenen Aufgaben zu ihren Laboraufträgen zukommen zu lassen und das völlig automatisiert, ohne dass Sie dafür Zeit und Energie aufwenden müssen. Fehlt zu einem offenen Laborauftrag etwa Material oder eine Unterschrift, werden diese Informationen automatisch aus dem LIS übernommen und im Taskboard als offene To Do’s angezeigt. Ihre Einsender sehen mit einem Blick, was noch zu erledigen ist und können die offenen Aufgaben direkt bearbeiten und abschließen.
Sie können Ihre Einsender auch über fehlende Anforderungen zu bestimmten Materialien oder über hochpathologische Befunde informieren. Die Anwendungsbereiche und Kategorien in denen automatische Aufgaben erstellt werden sollen, lassen sich individuell einrichten.
Wenn Sie an unserem neuen Zusatzmodul interessiert sind, dann wenden Sie sich einfach an uns. Wir stellen Ihnen das Taskboard gerne in einer persönlichen Präsentation vor.
Neues Helpcenter: Schnelle Hilfe für Ihre Einsender
Ab sofort verfügt der LabMessenger über einen neuen Hilfebereich, in dem Ihre Einsender nützliche Hilfestellungen zu verschiedenen Bereichen abrufen können.
Im neuen Helpcenter wird allen Nutzer:innen das aktuelle Anwenderhandbuch zur Verfügung stehen, welches detaillierte Anleitungen für sämtliche Module und Funktionen im LabMessenger enthält. Dies ermöglicht es den Nutzer:innen, viele ihrer offenen Fragen eigenständig zu klären und entlastet Ihren Support.
Um die Kund:innenbindung noch mehr zu vertiefen und Ihren Einsendern einen besonderen Service zu liefern, bieten wir Ihnen darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit eines laborspezifischen Helpcenters. Dieses wird in Ihrem Corporate Design gebrandet, sodass jeder Screenshot exakt mit der Ansicht Ihrer Einsender übereinstimmt. Das besondere dabei ist, dass wir neben Texten und Bildern auch Erklärvideos nach Ihren Themenwünschen anfertigen.
Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick:
Alles aus einem Guss: Helpcenter in Ihrem Design
Optimale User Experience: Alle Screenshots spiegeln exakt die Ansicht der Einsender wider
Bessere Veranschaulichung dank Erklärvideos
Individuelle Themenwünsche für Ihre Tutorials
Wenn Sie diese Zusatzoption eines individuellen Helpcenters nutzen wollen, dann melden Sie sich gerne bei uns.
Unsere Webanwendungen: Auf der sicheren Seite durch Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung
Gerade im medizinischen Bereich ist Datensicherheit ein äußerst sensibles Thema, da Patient:innendaten ein besonders schützenswertes Gut darstellen. Bei der Entwicklung unserer Softwarelösungen steht Sicherheit daher an erster Stelle und wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, unsere Lösungen immer weiter zu optimieren.
Aus diesem Grund sind nun auch unsere Webanwendungen umfassend durch Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung vor externen Zugriffen gesichert.
Damit sind wir in Sachen Datenübertragung Vorreiter unserer Branche, weil wir mit unseren Lösungen den höchsten Standard im Bereich der Sicherheit bieten. Bei webbasierten medizinischen Anwendungen ist dies nämlich leider noch kein Standard. So verfügen etwa Online Order-Entry-Systeme in aller Regel über keine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung.
Wenn Sie mehr über unsere Sicherheitsstandards erfahren wollen, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.
Order Entry: Verbesserte Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Geschwindigkeit
Das QuickCON Order Entry erstrahlt im ganz neuen Glanz: Mit einer neuen Version, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Geschwindigkeit vereint, wird die Auftragserfassung ab sofort noch intuitiver, dynamischer und schneller.
Durch die Neugestaltung der Order Entry-Maske wird die Benutzeroberfläche für Anwender:innen deutlich übersichtlicher – auch bei kleinen Bildschirmgrößen. Schnellaufträge lassen sich nun durchsuchen und sind so schneller auffindbar. Die Analytsuche ist strukturierter gestaltet: So sind die Analyte nicht mehr blockweise angeordnet, sondern in einer Listenansicht, wodurch die verschiedenen Abrechnungsarten zu einem Analyt besser erkennbar sind. In der Auftragsübersicht sind Filteroptionen hinzugekommen und das Anlegen eigener Masken ist für Nutzer:innen nun ebenfalls intuitiver geworden. Auf diese Weise können sich die Nutzer:innen deutlich besser zurechtfinden und Laboraufträge einfacher anlegen.
Laborseitig gibt es ab sofort die Möglichkeit der Versionierung: Müssen Änderungen durchgeführt werden, können diese zunächst in Ruhe als Beta-Version getestet und erst danach freigegeben werden, wodurch Fehlerquellen weiter minimiert werden.
Und das ist nicht alles: Darüber hinaus wurde die Geschwindigkeit des Order Entrys erheblich verbessert, das System ist deutlich performanter und hat minimale Ladezeiten.
Die neue Version steht seit dem letzten Update vom 21.08.2023 zur Verfügung. Um zu wechseln, muss nur das neue Setting aktiviert werden.
Wenn Sie Fragen zum neuen Order Entry Design haben, melden Sie sich gerne bei uns. Wir gehen diese dann einfach gemeinsam durch.
AAL-Tagung in Homburg
Möchten Sie unmittelbar erleben, wie unsere Tools die Effizienz Ihres Labors steigern können? Dann besuchen Sie uns auf der 22. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Akkreditierter Laboratorien. Wir werden vom 22. bis 23. September als Aussteller in Homburg sein und Ihnen hier QuickCON und alle Neuerungen rund um unsere smarte Softwarelösung präsentieren .
Kommen Sie einfach vorbei. Sie finden uns an Stand 7. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Mehr zur AAL-Tagung finden Sie hier.
Kleidertausch – tauschen, freuen, spenden
Laut einer Studie von Greenpeace kauft jede Person in Deutschland rund 60 neue Kleidungsstücke im Jahr. Dabei tragen wir sogar bis zu 40 Prozent unserer Kleidung selten bis nie. Dieser Überkonsum, insbesondere von Fast-Fashion, ist ein echtes Problem fürs Klima, gegen das jede:r Einzelne etwas tun kann.
Aus diesem Grund haben wir im Team schon vor einigen Jahren regelmäßige Kleidertausch-Partys ins Leben gerufen, bei den jede:r Mitarbeitende aussortierte Kleidungsstücke mitbringen und sich im Gegenzug etwas aus den gesammelten Klamotten mitnehmen kann. Auf diese Weise haben alle die Möglichkeit, die eigene Garderobe nachhaltig und kostenlos aufzuwerten und gleichzeitig die Lebensdauer der mitgebrachten Kleidungsstücke zu verlängern. Und nicht zu vergessen: Das Ganze macht einfach richtig Spaß!
Alles was übrig geblieben ist, und das ist vermutlich immer noch viel zu viel, haben wir in diesem Jahr an die Deutsche Kleiderstiftung gespendet. Versendet wurden insgesamt fünf Kartons mit gut erhaltener Bekleidung, die die Hilfsorganisation verwendet, um hilfsbedürftigen Menschen ein Leben in Wärme und Würde zu ermöglichen. Wir sind sicher, auf diese Weise das Beste aus unseren Kleiderschränken herausgeholt zu haben, denn Nachhaltigkeit beginnt schon im eigenen Zuhause.
UX designers of tomorrow?
The fact that software development is not "just" programming, but also has a lot to do with design, was recently demonstrated to about 50 students of the Pfuhl Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium.
As part of our long-standing cooperation with the school, our UX designer Max had put together a vivid and practical workshop that was all about the world of app design. During the course, which lasted several hours, the students gained first insights into the design, structure and conception of applications. But the course was not just about theory: After a brief introduction to the Figma software, the participants were able to get creative and make their own first attempts at interactive design.
At the end of the workshop, all students had a better idea of how to design an app and also a deeper understanding of how user interactions can influence the design. And who knows, maybe some of them see their professional future in UX design?
Driving service - optimizes the workflow between laboratory, courier and practice
Die Koordinierung des Probenversands zwischen Arztpraxis und Labor erfordert viel Aufwand und läuft bisher meist unabhängig von der Laborsoftware. Das Fahrdienst-Modul in QuickCON bietet Ihnen in Kombination mit einem Flottentool nun erstmals die Möglichkeit, das Zusammenspiel zwischen Ihrem Labor, dem Kurier und Ihren Einsendern umfassend zu optimieren. Der Versand von Probenmaterial wird damit ab sofort kinderleicht und maximal effizient.
Efficient routes
To ensure that the lab courier is not left at a closed door, practices can store absence times in the driving service module. If a practice is on vacation, the route is automatically adjusted. If our Order Entry is in use in the practice, the intelligent system checks whether there are any lab orders at all. If there are no orders, the practice staff is automatically prompted to cancel the trip for that day. In this way, unnecessary trips and costs are avoided.
Facilitated communication
For the team in the doctor's office, it is transparent at all times when the vehicle will arrive. In the event of delays or traffic jams, the arrival time is automatically corrected so that the team can react in case of doubt. Urgent or special trips can be requested with just a few clicks. In this case, the route is adjusted or a new vehicle can be sent out if a single trip is necessary. The transport service module facilitates communication between the sending practice and the laboratory immensely.
Maximum planning capability
For the laboratory, the module offers maximum planning capability. Employees can track at any time which vehicle is currently on the road where and when it will arrive with the samples. They can see which consignor the vehicle was with and whether it contains urgent samples, so that prioritization can be flexibly adjusted if necessary.
Wenn Sie mehr über das Fahrdienst-Modul erfahren wollen, zeigen wir Ihnen dieses gerne persönlich. Melden Sie sich einfach bei uns.
Practice laboratory - real added value for your senders
Do your senders perform their own smaller laboratory analyses? If so, you can now offer them the option of mapping these analyses via LabMessenger with the practice laboratory module and thus offer them added value, which should also be a convincing argument for potential new customers. The practice laboratory can now be integrated directly into Order Entry and the findings report, making the handling of practice analyses child's play.
With the Practice Lab Module, all of the medical practice's lab instruments can be connected directly to QuickCON; third-party tools are no longer necessary. During analyte selection in Order Entry, the practice analytes are displayed next to your lab analytes. This way, mixed orders are created in no time. Practice lab orders are also written back into the physician information system.
When printing labels, separate number ranges are used for the practice's own laboratory so that there is no risk of confusion here.
The examination results can be accessed via the LDT download and in the findings view, whereby mixed orders are displayed in two separate findings. The findings of the doctor's practice appear in the individual practice design, so that here too it is immediately recognizable from whom the results originate.
When billing, a separate billing type is used for the practice analytes so that they do not show up in the lab bill.
For your senders and potential new customers, the tool means an enormous reduction in workload, as all laboratory analyses can now be covered by one system. This saves time and reduces the workload of the practice team.
For you as a laboratory, the practice lab module is the optimal supplement to retain your existing practices in the long term. The module could also be an attractive incentive for some practices to finally switch from paper to order entry. As far as attracting new customers is concerned, the practice lab module also provides you with an extremely convincing argument.
So do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to present the module to you personally.
E-fax - the first truly secure transmission
The medical industry still often relies on the traditional fax, even when it comes to transmitting confidential information. But whether it's the conventional fax machine or the online fax variant, both methods pose security risks because they rely on unencrypted transmission over the Internet.
The e-fax module enables you to send urgent information to your senders in an encrypted and fully traceable form. This is an ideal solution for the transmission of highly pathological findings, for example, where fast response times are essential. In this way, you can easily comply with your statutory notification obligation. In contrast to conventional faxes, we use HTTPS encryption for the transmission of findings and other messages. This means you are always on the safe side legally.
The paper or toner at the practice printer has run out? With the monitoring function of the module, you have clarity at all times about the status of the respective transmitted message. If a report could not be sent correctly, this is evident at first glance. Each step in the message chain can be comprehensively documented: From the first transmission attempt to the notification of the medical emergency service in the worst case. This is also a valuable building block for reliably fulfilling your obligation to notify.
In addition to highly pathological findings, by the way, any other type of document can also be sent with the e-fax module, so that all faxing in the laboratory can be handled via this. In addition, you can freely choose whether the fax is output via a practice printer or as a file on the screen. In this way, you remain flexible with regard to technical requirements. The e-fax module can also be used both as a QuickCON module and as a stand-alone solution.
Would you like to convert your laboratory to sending with e-fax? Just contact us and we will show you how it can make your daily work much easier.