AZÄD Annual Conference - Save the Date

AZÄD Annual Conference - Save the Date

Nothing planned for September? Why not visit us at the 12th AZÄD Annual Conference in Cologne.

From September 22-24, 2022, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft zytologisch tätiger Ärzte in Deutschland e.V. invites you to the Rhineland trade fair city and we will be there as exhibitors. During the three-day event, we will present QuickLIS, our laboratory information system for cytology, and show you how you can use it to fully digitalize the workflows for both your laboratory and your senders.

QuickLIS can be used both as a comprehensive laboratory information system and as an extension of your existing LIS. Depending on your needs, you can benefit from the flexible modules such as digital order entry via Order Entry, digital findings transmission with graphical findings view or automated pre-filling of the oKFE documentation sheets. Further functionalities can also be easily adapted to your needs.

Have you become curious? Then take the opportunity and come by. Cologne is definitely always worth a visit.


Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Cologne, Germany


Thursday to Saturday
September 22-24, 2022


...And if you can not be on site, please feel free to make an appointment with us by phone. We look forward to seeing you!


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Documentation obligation made easy

Documentation obligation made easy

Cytology laboratories and gynecology practices are required to document cancer screening examinations as part of the oKFE guideline. For this purpose, the forms specified by IQTIG must be completed electronically and submitted to the responsible KV on a quarterly basis. This requires a great deal of effort on the part of the employees, as the individual forms usually have to be filled out by hand or extensively completed.

With QuickLIS, the documentation obligation is now child's play. With the new KV documentation module in combination with our Order Entry, the oKFE documentation forms can be almost completely pre-filled in the sending practice. The corresponding patient data as well as findings and any previous findings are transferred from the system. If necessary, the forms can be supplemented. After checking the documentation sheets, an export file is created, which is transmitted to the KV by the laboratory or the gynecological practice.

For all users, this approach saves an enormous amount of time - valuable time that is freed up for other things.

As a laboratory, you can offer your senders added value by giving them valuable time and making their daily work a little easier. Would you like to learn more about the latest QuickLIS module? Then simply contact us.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
After-work excursion with NABU

After-work excursion with NABU

Half a year has passed in the meantime and our Advent campaign is still providing nice moments and encounters. Recently, we were able to see for ourselves that our donation to the NaturschutzbundDeutschland Gruppe Ulm/Neu-Ulm (NABU) literally fell on fertile ground.

During an excursion led by NABU Ulm in early summer temperatures, we got a comprehensive impression of the Arnegger Ried, a nature reserve near Ulm. The aim of this project is to restore the original pre-industrial lowland moor in order to create a habitat for the rare species found there. To this end, the area is grazed by cattle in the summer months to push back the overgrowth.

During our guided tour through the Arnegger Ried, we were able to convince ourselves of the impressive wealth of knowledge of our two excursion leaders. No matter what plant or animal it was, Diana May and Michael Rau from Ulmer NABU were able to answer almost any of our questions. And so this excursion not only showed us how well our donation is in the hands of Ulmer NABU, it also gave us a wonderful evening out and closed one or two gaps in our education.

Service specifications - available everywhere and always up to date

Service specifications - available everywhere and always up to date

The service specifications provide your senders with basic information on the laboratory analyses you offer. However, this requires regular maintenance, for which programming skills are sometimes needed. In addition, the directory often needs to be maintained on multiple channels, making ongoing maintenance tedious.

With the QuickCON service specifications, maintaining your examination program is child's play. It can be maintained centrally in DocConnect and published automatically via all channels. Thus, the directory can be presented directly via QuickCON, displayed on your homepage, and exported as a PDF for printing at the push of a button. All changes can be made in no time at all and are automatically synchronized. The data required for this is taken directly from the laboratory information system.

In addition to integration on your website, the service directory can be presented as a separate landing page and is also available as a mobile view. In the case of multiple lab locations, different directories can also be displayed.

In addition, the QuickCON service specifications can be individually adapted to your corporate design by using your own logo and house colors, which has an even more positive effect on your customer loyalty.

You are not a QuickCON customer? Our service specifications can also be used as a stand-alone solution without any problems. Just get in touch with us.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
The wait was worth it: The little clown in Neu-Ulm

The wait was worth it: The little clown in Neu-Ulm

Take two clowns and let them bring one of the most widely read books in the world to the stage - and there you have it, a recipe for success that will captivate audiences of all ages. With "The Little Clown", the two clown performers Katrin Jantz and Hanna Münch from Ulm have succeeded in lovingly adapting the philosophical fairy tale "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The result is a poetic and mischievous play that takes its audience on a journey into another world and makes a plea for humanity.

The students and teachers of the Ludwigsfeld/Neu-Ulm elementary school recently had the opportunity to accompany the curious little clown on his journey to find a friend together with him. In a total of three performances, the two actresses took the children into a magical world and brought the most diverse adventures to life with a great deal of emotion and wit. Thanks to the lovingly designed stage set and the elaborate costumes, diving into this fantasy world was literally child's play, so that all spectators, whether young or old, were able to gather many beautiful impressions at the end and thus enjoyed a wonderful little break from everyday school life.

The play, which we produced in the course of our Advent fundraising campaign was supposed to be performed in December, but had to be postponed due to the pandemic. We think the wait for the little clown was more than worth it.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
New function in Order Entry: Interactive PDF forms for additional information

New function in Order Entry: Interactive PDF forms for additional information

Certain examinations often require additional information for the laboratory request, which must be filled out manually in the doctor's office and usually also supplemented with the patient data.

To facilitate this process, it is now possible in Order Entry to add interactive PDF forms to the individual examinations. If a new order is created in the doctor's office and the corresponding examination is selected, the PDF form linked to it opens automatically. This can then be filled out digitally, printed or filed directly. The patient data is already stored automatically and no longer needs to be added manually.

You can define yourself in the laboratory for which examinations the interactive PDF forms are to be stored and when these are to be considered mandatory fields. This function can be easily linked to your existing set of rules.

The new Order Entry function simplifies the lab request for your senders and ensures error-free processes in the lab.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

VDCA Annual Meeting from May 6 to 8, 2022

Only a few days remain until this year's VDCA Annual Meeting: From May 6 to 8, 2022, cytology professionals will once again meet in Leipzig to further their education, exchange ideas and gather valuable impulses for their daily work. We are very pleased to be present for the first time as an exhibitor and to be able to present our laboratory information system QuickLIS to the attendees.

QuickLIS is the first laboratory information system that fully digitizes all cytology workflows and also facilitates communication with senders. It can be customized, operated intuitively and saves an enormous amount of time in the stressful daily laboratory routine - for an optimal workflow in cytology.

Visit us at our booth in Leipzig and let us convince you of QuickLIS. And if you can't be there in Leipzig, simply make an appointment for a non-binding online presentation. We are looking forward to meeting you.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
DMEA 2022 - we were there

DMEA 2022 - we were there

Last week, the time had finally come again: For the first time since the start of the pandemic, the DMEA, Europe's leading event for the digitization of healthcare, opened its doors again. So there was no question that we couldn't miss this industry event.

With our booth, we were right in the middle of the trade show action and thus enjoyed many exciting topics and discussions. We were particularly pleased with the positive feedback on our products and innovations - especially on QuickLIS, our laboratory information system for cytology. Thus, we had many pleasant impressions and valuable input in our luggage on our way home.

Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

Life is live - DMEA from 26 to 28 April 2022

From April 26 to 28, the time has come: For the first time in three years, DMEA will open its doors - and finally live again. "Life is live" is also the motto under which Europe's leading event for the digitization of healthcare will once again attract numerous visitors to Berlin. Everything will revolve around the question of what moves the health IT of today and tomorrow.

We are very pleased to finally be back as an exhibitor and to show live how we contribute to the medical industry with our software solutions every day. We have some innovations around our software solution QuickCON in our luggage. We will also present QuickLIS, our laboratory information system for cytology, to a wider audience. Let us surprise you and visit us at our booth, Hall: 1.2 Booth: B-105.

You would like to make a personal appointment with us? Then simply contact us. We will also be happy to provide you with visitor tickets on request. We look forward to seeing you.

Berlin, here we come!



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

QuickTEST: Connection of PoC NAT devices

PoC NAT tests could be a positive addition to the current testing strategy and a significant relief for laboratories. They are similarly reliable as PCR tests and provide a result after only a few minutes. Some test centers and pharmacies already offer this technology.

In order to be able to connect the PoC-NAT devices required for this, we have further developed QuickTEST accordingly. QuickTEST enables both the generation and transmission of reports to the tested person and the automatic printing of reports to the public health department.

In the future, it will be possible to connect further laboratory equipment in the in-house laboratory, for example for the analysis of hormone status. If you are interested, simply contact us. We will be happy to advise you.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Information security - we are certified!

Information security - we are certified!

The topic of information security is of enormous importance, especially in the healthcare sector. As a software-developing company in this industry, we have a particularly great responsibility. We are aware of this and take this responsibility very seriously.

In recent months, we have therefore worked intensively to give the protection of sensitive information a solid foundation and to build up our information security management system (ISMS for short). The ISMS defines rules and methods to ensure information security in the company and is thus an important building block for our business success.

The audit for ISO/IEC 27001 finally took place shortly before Christmas. We are pleased about the successful certification and take this as an incentive to continue to actively live and continuously develop the ISMS in the company. After all, incidents such as the recently disclosed Log4J security vulnerability make us all aware of how important it is to stay on the ball when it comes to information security.


Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Annual review 2021

Annual review 2021

At this point, there could be a similar text as last year. Our lives are still marked by Corona with all its consequences and challenges - both in our private and professional lives. But there have also been bright spots that are worth looking back on, perhaps especially now.

In the fight against the pandemic, we as a company did what we do best: react quickly to new circumstances, create solutions and apply our know-how where it is needed. This is how we developed our QuickTEST rapid testing software, equipping over 500 test centers across Germany. Millions of test results could thus be transmitted digitally and sent securely to the persons concerned . With great dedication, our team has mastered many a challenge and also implemented special customer requirements.

We have not been idle away from Corona either. Our Order Entry has been in use at many of our customers since this year and ensures fully digitalized processes. We are also pleased to announce the launch of our cytology software QuickLIS, which facilitates all work steps in the cytology laboratory - from order entry to quality management. In addition, there are several web-based developments and innovations that should make our customers' daily work a little easier in these stressful times.

And as in previous years, our team has grown a bit again. Thus, since this year six new employees enrich our company and do a great job here.

We know that we work in an industry that has its hands full, especially now, and is therefore doing well economically. And because we have never taken this for granted, our donation this year is a little larger than before. With our Advent campaign, we have donated €100,000.00 to organizations from various sectors and we are very pleased to be able to give away some of our success in this way.

We look to the coming year with hope and are excited to see what it will bring. Because even if the pandemic will accompany us for a longer time, it is always worthwhile to remain optimistic and continue to give your best.



Picture credits: © Bucher Group
Now more than ever! We donate

Now more than ever! We donate

Success is shareable - that has always been true in our company. And so it is our tradition to give back a little of our success in the form of an annual donation .

The last few years have been very positive economically for our company - an absolute privilege, of which we are very aware. Last year, we expressed the fact that this also results in social responsibility through our major Advent fundraising campaign.

But that's not all... This year, we employees voted and made a decision that each and every one of us personally supports: We are waiving part of our annual bonus and donating 15,789 euros to "Aktion 100 000 und Ulmer helft". This admittedly rather "crooked" sum is the result of a team-internal survey in which each employee was able to decide anonymously whether we should donate part of the bonus and how high the share should be. The democratic average now forms the donation sum.

Aktion 100 000 has made it its mission to support people in need in our immediate neighborhood - a task that is invaluable, especially in these times. We have been following the commitment of the Ulm-based organization for some time now and are very convinced of the unbureaucratic help that the employees provide for the people in our region. And this help is urgently needed, because the Ukraine war, the energy crisis and rising inflation mean that more and more people are now dependent on support . The food banks in Ulm, for example, needed help much earlier in the year than usual to cushion the extra workload, as Aktion 100 000 director Karl Bacherle told us personally.

We are sure that our donation is in the right place here and hope to pass on a small spark of hope in this way - now more than ever.


P.S.: It's not just the team that makes donations. The company itself will also donate a larger sum to various organizations over the coming year. More about this from the beginning of next year...



Children need fairy tales - in these times probably more than ever. Fairy tales stimulate the imagination, transport children to other worlds and bring adventures to life.
The pupils of the Erich-Kästner elementary school in Ludwigsfeld/Neu-Ulm were now able to accompany Puss in Boots on such an adventure, lovingly staged by the Moussong puppet theater from Augsburg. We were happy to support the performance of the fairy tale classic and are delighted about this wonderful start to the pre-Christmas season.

Our Bucher Käpsele

Our Bucher Käpsele

If that's not a reason to celebrate: Our dual student Kai has not only mastered his bachelor's degree in computer science as the best student in his course, he was also honored by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) as the "Best Student in the Faculty of Technology".

Kai had already completed internships with us during his school years before he then began his dual studies in our company in 2019 and has been a valuable part of our team ever since.

We are super proud of our "Käpsele" and congratulate from the bottom of our hearts for this special award. It's great that you are with us!

By the way: Not only our students and trainees are top-notch, but also our trainers: Our colleague Bianca was also awarded a commendation for her instructor aptitude test. Congratulations!



We continue to grow: Our new trainees

We continue to grow: Our new trainees

We are well positioned in terms of personnel for the future: This fall, five new colleagues began their training with us and have since enriched our team.

Software development at BS software development is strengthened by Frieder and Martin, who both started their apprenticeship as IT specialists for application development. Yannick supports the support team as a prospective system integrator.

BS Bucher System Solutions has also gained new employees: Kateryna (not on the picture) and Timon will support our colleagues as future IT system management specialists and IT system integration specialists, respectively. And more reinforcements are already on the way: Jessica will start her training as an office management assistant with us in January 2023.

We are pleased about so much active support and wish all trainees a great start to their careers. We're glad you're here!




Visit: Developers of tomorrow?

Visit: Developers of tomorrow?

We had a visitor! 22 students from the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium in Neu-Ulm came to us with an extensive list of questions to learn more about our company and the relevant professions.
On this occasion, we were also allowed to give a few tips on the subject of rhetoric and presentation techniques.
We were available to answer questions as best we could during this afternoon and were very pleased with the nice change. We wish the participating students every success for their future school careers and beyond. And who knows? Maybe one or two of them will think about a career in IT? We look forward to receiving applications at any time.

QuickTEST in use

QuickTEST in use

Our customers are among the key players in the fight against Corona. That's why, since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been designing ideas and solutions to support them in the best possible way. By the time the first test centers were in the starting blocks, we had finally developed QuickTEST, a software solution that efficiently maps all the steps involved in handling mass testing: from booking appointments to data collection and reporting, to transmitting findings and any follow-up orders and notifications to the health authorities.

And so, as the testing strategy expanded, interest in QuickTEST also grew and more and more customers joined, including large test center operators just as much as smaller providers. One of these first customers was the Schiller pharmacy in Marbach, which operates a test center here that serves as the first point of contact for the population in the town and surrounding area. After the initiator of the test center, Andreas Vogt, was not satisfied with the first test software used here, since it did not work, for example, for reading insurance cards, he came across us and our QuickTEST test software while searching for an alternative. And from then on, everything took its course: "From the very beginning, there was intensive cooperation with the support and development team at BS software development, so that we could actively contribute our concrete ideas and wishes to the further development of the software," says Vogt about the start with QuickTEST.

Since then, well over 100,000 tests have been processed via QuickTEST in Marbach: "At peak times, we had about 900 tests per day. In the beginning, the system was a little bit bumpy. But we are very satisfied with QuickTEST and would not want any other software," Vogt continues. Test numbers have declined since then, in part because of the recent testing regulation. However, Vogt says the decline is not as severe as feared. What the winter will bring cannot be predicted at the "Schiller" test center either. In any case, they are optimally prepared there - both on a professional and technical level.

For us, the Marbach Test Center is a good example of how we live and breathe collaboration with customers within the company. Only through intensive exchange and the implementation of concrete wishes can we align our software solutions so closely to customer requirements and in this way optimally develop them further. This is a continuous process and a win-win situation for everyone involved. And when customer contact is as pleasant as it is with Mr. Vogt, we are more than satisfied.



QuickLIS - Order Entry for Cytology

QuickLIS - Order Entry for Cytology

In most cytology laboratories, incoming orders are captured by OCR scan or entered by hand. Both cost a lot of time and are prone to errors, so that corrections are often necessary. A remedy for this is digital order entry: With QuickLIS Order Entry, the laboratory requirements are already captured completely digitally in the sending physician's office - manual order entry in the laboratory is thus completely eliminated.

When a new order is created in the gynecologist's office, all patient data and diagnoses are automatically transferred from the physician information system and can be supplemented as needed. When entering the order services, predefined mandatory fields help to ensure that no data is forgotten. Consecutive and appropriate selection options eliminate incorrect combinations of examinations. To simplify regularly occurring requests, sending practices can create their own profiles and request cards - uncomplicated and completely without programming knowledge. In this way, laboratory requests can be handled in the doctor's office with just a few clicks.

After saving the order, the transfer slip and the required labels for tubes and vessels are automatically printed in the correct quantity. Only the special labels for slides are printed separately. Meanwhile, the order is already transmitted digitally and encrypted to the cytology laboratory. All data is automatically correct and complete in the laboratory system, there is no need for manual input or checking - this saves a great deal of time and effort. The order can be processed directly as soon as the samples arrive at the laboratory.

Our Order Entry is part of our laboratory information system QuickLIS, but can also be used with other existing laboratory information systems. It has been developed natively for Windows and Mac OS and can also be connected to almost any physician information system.

Would you like more details? We would be happy to present our solution to you in a personal meeting. Just contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you.




E-Fax: Safely informed

E-Fax: Safely informed

In the case of highly pathological findings, rapid response times are essential. Laboratories are obliged to inform their sending practices as quickly as possible about the corresponding findings. However, especially in the stressful daily routine, it is often difficult to reach the practice by telephone and this involves a great deal of effort on the part of the laboratory.

With the e-fax function, this notification obligation can be fulfilled in an uncomplicated manner. To ensure that the sender's practice is guaranteed to be informed of particularly critical findings, printers of the sender can be stored in the system. The corresponding findings are then transmitted individually or collectively and printed out in the practice.

The paper or toner in your practice printer has run out? A monitoring function informs you if a finding could not be transmitted correctly and also provides information about the underlying problem. In this way, you can inform the practice immediately by telephone or, if necessary, take further steps. All steps can be documented directly in the monitoring system.

In addition to highly pathological findings, any other type of document can also be sent using the e-fax function, so that all faxing in the laboratory can be handled via this.

Would you like to convert your laboratory to sending with e-fax? Just contact us and we will show you how it can make your daily work much easier.



Autumn cleaning

Autumn cleaning

Let's clean! Under this motto, the waste disposal company of the city of Ulm (EBU) had called for a big autumn clean-up*.

As environmental protection is an important topic here, some of our hard-working employees took part in the trash collection campaign. And unfortunately, there was more than enough to do...

Thank you to all participants for your great commitment!

*Putzete, the noun, feminine
Southern German for housecleaning, major cleaning

BS Customer Days 2022

BS Customer Days 2022

There are few events we look forward to as much as this one. So last week it was finally time again for our BS Customer Days: Two days filled with valuable insights, practical tips and tricks around our software solution QuickCON and in between a lot of time for interesting conversations and valuable exchange. All this was only topped by record-breaking numbers of participants, which we were very pleased about. So it was more than worth the wait.

This year, our event was divided into different blocks. We had asked our customers in advance for their wishes in order to be able to present and convey all contents as customer-oriented as possible. At the end of the first training day, a joint dinner followed by a social get-together provided a pleasant diversion before the second day continued with a joint brainstorming session. Last but not least, a short outlook on future projects and plans was not to be missed. And so two intensive customer days flew by again and actually ended much too quickly, so that we are already looking forward to next year.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for the confidence they have placed in us. It was nice that you were with us. We hope to welcome you again next year and if you already have ideas and wishes for the BS Customer Days 2023, please let us know.